developing competency in several key fields. The program culminates in a scholarly research project designed to advance knowledge in a specific area. A Master of Science qualifies you to head directly into professional practice or toward an academic career, via the PhD in clinical laboratory science...
Florida Tech offers a master’s in project management online program with two available concentrations: Information Systems and Operations Research. Students are taught by expert faculty members, all of whom hold a doctorate in project management. The curriculum for this master’s degree in project m...
Students who complete a master's in nutrition online may find employment opportunities in the public and private sectors. The analytical, communication and leadership skills students gain through their online coursework may prepare them for careers in health care, education, research, government, media...
Obtain an online master’s in health administration in as little as 24 months. Explore topics related to healthcare management, public health policy, and more.
Are you interested in furthering yourself and your career? If so, you may want to consider completing one of the best master's degree online programs.
Related to Master of Science:Master of Science in Engineering n (Education) a postgraduate degree, usually in science, or the holder of this degree. Abbreviation:MSc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003...
Online master's degrees in psychology examine human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. The curriculum includes extensive research and coursework in psychological theories and practical applications within therapeutic environments. Students can specialize in different areas, like clinical, counseling, or experime...
Step 1: Research online master's programs. Whether you want to build on your undergraduate area of study or go in a new direction, likebusiness administration, you can narrow down your program choices with the help of academic advisers at institutions of interest. Past professors and connections...
INC Research to Manage LLS Master Trial
Study Mode Online Master's Degree in Innovation in Biomedical and Health Sciences We train specialists in the area of Biomedical and Health Sciences, allowing an update of concepts and knowledge related to both basic and clinical aspects as well as research methodology in... Read more...