Advanced Financial Analysis and Valuation for Global Firms Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity Impact Investing Life Sciences: Innovation and Finance Institutional Private Capital Investing Cases in Financial Management International Corporate Finance Debt, Distress, and Restructuring Technology Strategy Merge...
the Master in Finance degree has become the preferred degree for algorithmic trading, quantitative asset management, risk management, derivatives pricing and trading, fixed income analytics
Master of Finance in Financial Technology Master of Global Management Master of Science in Business Analytics Master of Science in Marketing 总共有三轮,第一轮申请通道已关闭,第二轮已在12月2日截止申请,第三轮将在2023年1月30日截止申请。 MBA 公布一轮,第一轮将在12月29日截止申请。 教育学院 : MA i...
• 应用会计与金融硕士 Master of Science in Applied Accounting and Finance • 会计学硕士 Master of Accountancy • 商业管理硕士 Master of Science in Business Management 传播学院: • 传播学硕士 Master of Arts in Communication • 电影、电视与数据媒体硕士 Master of Fine Arts in Film,Television...
Blockchain Technologies in Finance 金融领域的区块链技术(1.5学分) Introduction to Applied Financial Econometrics 应用金融计量学概论(1.5学分) Time Series Analysis 时间序列分析(1.5学分) Algorithmic Trading 算法交易(1.5学分) Behavioral Finance 行为金融学(1.5学分) Systematic Trading 系统交易(1.5学分) Data Sci...
IS-12: Certificate Course in DeFi (Decentralized Finance) IS-044: Smart Contract Hacking & Security Certified Blockchain Security Examiner (CBSE) Crypto-asset Compliance Professional (CAMP)™ Thank you for your interest in my courses, and in me as an instructor. I look forward to seeing you...
Master of Finance和Master of Science(finance)的读音不同,意思不同,目的不同,侧重点不同,学制不同。1、意思不同:Master of Finance意思是金融硕士,简称MF或者MFin Master of Science(finance)意思是金融学硕士,简称MSF。2、目的不同:MF专业学位项目主要培养具有坚实金融学理论基础和较高应用技能...
Master of Social Sciences in Behavioral Health 目前官网公布的申请截止日期为1月31日 香港大学经管学院即将截止申请专业 Master of Accounting Master of Economics Master of Finance Master of Finance in Financial Technology Master of Global Management
The degree prepares students for jobs of product manager, usability researcher, user interface designer, and entrepreneur in the field of aviation human factors, automotive design, IT and finance. The School of Aerospace Engine...
第二个学期第一门课时introductory finance, 对金融科班的同学显得浅了,只能是抛砖引玉的课;第二门是critical thinking,这门课我建议直接改名叫behavioral science会有意思的多,教材就是前面我提到的thinking fast and slow,如果有朋友和我一样也对人的cognitive bias很痴迷的话,那你会很享受这门课。两位教授都算...