Master Duel - S26 最强卡组? 10:02 Selection Pack: Ride Into the Future! 30 Packs Opening 07:16 Master Duel - Infernoble Knight Deck 08:02 【Master Duel】命运的抽包! 异图灰流Get!? 02:24 【Master Duel】 Agent Deck Gameplay 09:55 【Master Duel】 Selection Pack: Return of the...
D级 ABC,淘气仙星,料理人艾克佐迪亚,王战,幻煌龙,肿头龙。 应用信息 包名:jp.konami.masterduel 名称:Master Duel 版本:1.8.0 MD5值:2e27955b03a9f8e02818c285a025084d
那个是预组,买了直接给你一套,每个预组可以买三次,但是现在的两个预组都不推荐,抽卡的话看你想玩什么样的卡组,去抽对应的小包就好了,一般同一个小包抽2-4次,注意不要让sr或者ur溢出 来自Android客户端2楼2022-01-26 00:53 收起回复 你亲爱的陌哥 丛云落雷 8 那个预组不咋地,不玩霍普不要买。先打剧情...
With Master Duel’s card crafting system, building a meta deck is relatively easy, and players can even run budget versions of these decks that require fewer Ultra Rare cards but are still just as deadly. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel utilizes the Original Card Game or OCG rules, which means tha...
Master Duel - S26 最强卡组? 10:02 Selection Pack: Ride Into the Future! 30 Packs Opening 07:16 Master Duel - Infernoble Knight Deck 08:02 【Master Duel】命运的抽包! 异图灰流Get!? 02:24 【Master Duel】 Agent Deck Gameplay 09:55 【Master Duel】 Selection Pack: Return of the...
Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL (Simplified Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese) Global player ratings 19802 ratings 62% 12% 8% 3% 15% Finally, the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" digital card game you've been waiting for! The definitive edition of the competitive card game that has been evolving...
那就是,比赛中会出现一些以冲浪检察官、肿头龙、结界像、王家长眠之谷等卡片为核心的Stun Deck(国内俗称报社)。珠泪在后手面对这些卡组时几乎毫无办法,本身系统无法运转不说,增殖的Z、三战之才、超融合这些卡片也会变得毫无用处。所以我们开始寻找一个能够反针对这些卡组的卡组,闪刀便是一个不错的选择。我们的...
游戏王masterduel吧 关注:108,605贴子:3,994,356 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 玩乐 4回复贴,共1页 <返回游戏王mast...吧求助 我想买个steamdeck,请问这玩意儿能玩大师决斗吗 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_QMbtU31 误捕冤狱 3 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-04-12 23:01回复 ...
digital card game you've been waiting for! The definitive edition of the competitive card game that has been evolving for over 25 years! Duel at the highest level against Duelists from all over the world. Get ready: it's time to Duel! --- [About "Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL"] Now you ...
游戏王MASTER DUEL 终于等来补强后的寿司军贯卡组COMPETITIVE GUNKAN SUSHIP SUPPORT - SUSHIP IS 758 0 08:54 App 游戏王 虎玄龙谦机界骑士 卡组思路分享 Mekk-Knight Deck FT. KEN & GEN SO Insane Support 1476 1 06:28 App 【游戏王】珠泪哀歌族ocg构筑分享 864 2 04:40 App 朋克再世combo初探 301...