支持masterduel卡组一键导出!由 @zealyahweh 贡献。可同时生成ygopro卡组.ydk格式和文本格式。拆分英日文卡名和卡类型显示选项,现在可以分别勾选“原始卡名”和“卡片类型”。主题配色改为暗色。添加无边框模式,可更好融入游戏。窗口整体可拖拽。右键添加关闭选项。鼠标悬停时添加右键提示。v0.2.4 添加对繁体中文...
新人入坑,请多关照..以前只看过第一部动画(武藤游戏法老王那部,大概只看了前30集左右),最近看到switch上有这个系列的游戏master duel,因为情怀和兴趣就入手了。但是没有接触过这个系列的其它动漫和游戏作品,很
digital card game you've been waiting for! The definitive edition of the competitive card game that has been evolving for over 25 years! Duel at the highest level against Duelists from all over the world. Get ready: it's time to Duel! --- [About "Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL"] Now you ...
The definitive digital edition of the competitive card game that has been evolving for over 20 years! Duel at the highest level against Duelists all over the world.
digital card game you've been waiting for! The definitive edition of the competitive card game that has been evolving for over 25 years! Duel at the highest level against Duelists from all over the world. Get ready: it's time to Duel! --- [About "Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL"] Now you ...
还是说直接发动第二张秘密胜地,挤掉第一张场地,就能直接检索第二张本家怪兽呢?因为 大老师的 Combo 教学视频, 他直接发动第二张场地,但是没有触发第二次的检索效果。视频地址(29分28秒开始):https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pd4y1M7pN/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=f473cb...
黑羽逆袭 七皇之剑 7 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1E34y1C7nr?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click可以看这个教程,就是要你再登陆一次账号,做下条款确认就好了,我之前也是出现这个报错,我用UU加速器里的登录后,做条款确认就可以了 6楼2022-06-16 15:47 回复 ...
So basically, thanks Master Duel! You've given me the most stress I've had in a LONG time but I've learned a ton. They do say you learn a lot faster under pressure to be fair. I hope some of you enjoyed this little story of my struggles with the Master Duel...
买自抽号的时候店主应该给了你不用重新下载的教程啊 来自Android客户端4楼2023-12-09 17:15 收起回复 rick3424 二重幻身 2 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1X3411E7L4/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=e1d2119b7940b5cd6c46e4f424ae2164 5楼2023-12-09 17:19 回复 24k...