Master Duel - S26 最强卡组? 10:02 Selection Pack: Ride Into the Future! 30 Packs Opening 07:16 Master Duel - Infernoble Knight Deck 08:02 【Master Duel】命运的抽包! 异图灰流Get!? 02:24 【Master Duel】 Agent Deck Gameplay 09:55 【Master Duel】 Selection Pack: Return of the...
Master Duel - S26 最强卡组? 10:02 Selection Pack: Ride Into the Future! 30 Packs Opening 07:16 Master Duel - Infernoble Knight Deck 08:02 【Master Duel】命运的抽包! 异图灰流Get!? 02:24 【Master Duel】 Agent Deck Gameplay 09:55 【Master Duel】 Selection Pack: Return of the...
贴吧用户_ab2ZeER 连接栗子 1 神数 来自Android客户端16楼2022-12-21 18:26 回复 安達としまむら 创星改归 11 龙之灵庙?那应该是白龙吧 来自Android客户端17楼2022-12-21 18:27 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理...
杯赛那3个预组应该要..回复2楼楼中楼吧友 @爱你年号 :游戏王MasterDuel杯赛的预组(Theme Deck)是一种限制玩家卡组构筑规则的方式,每个预组都包含了一套完整的《游戏王》牌组以及相应的策略。以下是关于如何
Just like Eldlich they have synergy with multiple other archetypes, such as Megalith as well as Blue-Eyes Chaos Max Dragon thanks to their ability to draw out ritual spells as well as ritual materials while also drawing cards. One of the most important Drytron cards you’ll want is Drytron...
v=s0ytoTs0bY8 🎴 DECKLIST MAIN DECK | 45 | EXTRA DECK | 15 Main Deck: Rescue-ACE Turbulence x2 Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon x1 Rescue-ACE Fire Engine x1 Diabellstar the Black Witch x3 Rescue-ACE Fire Attacker x1 Rescue-ACE Air Lifter x1 Rescue-ACE Impulse x3 Ash Blossom & Joyous ...
Since then, players have seen immediate success piloting the deck in a number of different ways. One of the strongest iterations of the deck right now is the Runick Spright build, according to the tier list on Yu-Gi-Oh! site Master Duel Meta. This strategy revolves around using the ...
凶鸟真滴帅..ll最便宜,走的是爆展,但是对魔陷只能靠肥鸟,十二铁比较贵,走的是beta 所以对泛用坑,要求高,纯铁就是把十二兽换成救援猫,没啥差别,但是贵的建议十二铁,上限高
Steam deck..不知道这个帖子能不能帮到别人 下面分享一下方法首先下载一个汉化补丁 pc的 没有的可以进这个群之后打开汉化补丁 打开patch文件夹 点开chinese 把图二的两个文件拉到移动硬盘 忘了说还需要个移动硬盘
Deck Primer Master Duel Deck - Runick Main Deck (40 Card Deck) Extra Deck Deck Breakdown Other Decks on Login to join the YGOPRODeck discussion!0 reactions Cool 0 Funny 0 Angry 0 Sad 0 Comments YGOPRODeck × ...