上表中蓝色部分学士后(GD)和研究生文凭(PGD)分别属于7级和8级的毕业证课程(Diploma),读完以后只有毕业证书没有学位证书 硕士(Master)属于9级学位课程(Degree),读完以后有硕士学位 新西兰和中国对应的学历分别是:中国的大专相对于新西兰的4-6级的专科文凭(Diploma);中国的本科相当于新西兰7级的学士学位(Bachelor’s...
🔘上表中蓝色部分学士后(GD)和研究生文凭(PGD)分别属于7级和8级的毕业证课程(Diploma),读完以后只有毕业证书没有学位证书;硕士(Master)属于9级学位课程(Degree),读完以后有硕士学位 🔘新西兰和中国对应的学历分别是:中国的大专相对于...
针对这些学生,移民局出手了! 从今年11月18日开始,如果学生完成了研究生文凭(PGD),立即继续攻读硕士学位(Master's degree),即使硕士课程不足30周,也可以基于前一段研究生文凭的学习记录申请毕业工签。 毕业工签申请的总体要求: - 持有符合条件的新西兰学历; - 课程必须是全日制,并且满足最低学习时间要求; - 需在...
另外,这种学历级别的划分也是新西兰独有的一套NZQF(New Zealand Qualifications Framework),即新西兰的学历评估框架。 NZQF一共将学历分为10个等级, Level 10为最高, Level 1为最低。 接下来给大家详细解读Level 7-9的各类文凭学位 Bachelor Degree (学士学位) Level 7 课程长度:3-4年 适合人群:国内高中生,大...
New Zealand College of Business Diploma L7本科文凭和Graduate diploma-研究生文凭都是和学士学位一样是学习7级课程,但是Diploma L7在NZQA里划分在Sub-Degree里,而GD则划分在Degree或Postgraduate里的碩士肄業證書,NZ的大学都设有Graduate diploma,它是介于学士与硕士之间,类似与硕士预科的课程。一般要求本科学位毕业后...
This specialisation will offer opportunities for excellent students to develop their skills and understanding of the marine industry, in particular in yacht engineering, and to obtain a New Zealand degree.R. G. J. FlayInternational conference on the education and professional development of engineers:...
Course Level: Master’s Research degree program Award: NZ$17,172 stipend per annum plus a tuition fee waiver Access Mode: Online Number of Awards: 8 Nationality: International Students The award can be taken inNew Zealand Eligibility Eligible Countries: International students can apply for this fu...
2024 4 things to know about grad school don't let these common concerns stop you from earning an advanced degree, experts say. j. anthony calhoun dec. 20, 2024 why you should volunteer in med school volunteering offers personal and professional benefits for aspiring doctors. anna fiorino dec....
A masters is earned after students complete an undergraduate degree program. To obtain a masters, you usually need to complete 12 to 18 college courses that often involve completing comprehensive tests and/or a thesis. Part time learning allows one to obtain part-time degrees even if one cannot...
根据新西兰移民局官网的显示:你在新西兰的毕业证课程是PGD (8级研究生文凭)或者Master’s Degree(9级硕士), 毕业后可以获得3年的毕业工签。 文字来源:新西兰移民局官网 作者:新西兰移民局 链接: https://www.immigration.govt.nz/new-zealand-visas/apply-for-a-visa/about-visa/post-study-work-visa#https:/...