Master's Degree in Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (GRE Waived) Miami, USA MSc Full time, Part time 1 year On-Campus English The Master of Professional Science (MPS) is an accelerated, graduate degree intended for students who want to generate innovative solutions to the marine, coastal, and...
Master of Environmental Science AQF9 级 澳洲国立大学 Australian National University (ANU) CRICOS Code:082297K 课程类型:Masters Degree (Coursework) 查看学校详情 2024 总学费104,832 澳币 每学年费用52,416 澳币 课程时长2.0 学年 (104 周) 概况 ...
学位类型: 硕士 学制: 2年 开学时间: 春季 申请截止日期: 5月10日 费用信息 申请费: 100澳元 申请要求 GPA: 2.86 申请要点 学位要求:Bachelor 专业要求:Biology, Earth Science, Ecology, Environmental Science, Geology, Marine Science 申请链接:
我录取的时候是environmental engineering,后来因为觉得env sci的选课自由度更大一点,跟advisor商量了以后...
Dual PhD degree in Political Science政治科学博士 7.与乔治城法学院合作的项目Dual Master of International Affairs and Law,国际事务和法律双学位,两年制,要求学士学位,托福100或雅思7.5(单项不低于7),申请截止日期2月4日。 第一年在本校,可选择:
Here are some more examples of correctly using master’s degree and bachelor’s degree in sentences. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she decided to pursue a master’s degree in environmental science to deepen her understanding of sustainability practices. Earning a master’s degree in bus...
Firstly, environmental engineering is a constantly evolving and changing field that requires constant ...
Professional Science Master's (PSM) degrees have been in existence in the USA for well over a decade. The PSM is a degree equivalent to the MBA for the sciences, and the idea is to integrate studies of natural sciences, math, management, and law to prepare students for professional ...
Single Cycle Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery (Medicine and Technology) 医学和外科(医学和技术) 学制:6年 International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources 国际海洋生物资源【EM项目】 学制:2年 语言:托福87或雅思6.5 学费:9000欧元/年 ...
Societal relevance of a Master of Science degree in environmental studies and sustainability at CIIEMAD-IPN, Mexico Revista EspaciosSILVA, Jorge A.