当然,在看上面的代码之前最好先回顾一下master.dbo.spt_values表的数据。 select * from master.dbo.spt_values 我们使用了其中的type与number两列。 spt_values存储的是sybase的系统值。 master..spt_values相当于一个数字辅助表,在sql中主要用到number这个字段。 selectnumberfrommaster..spt_valueswheretype='p...
master.dbo.spt_values --统计某月份周情况 没有的补0if object_id('temp_tb') is not null drop table temp_tbcreate table temp_tb([ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,[test_values] int NULL,[time] datetime null,);goinsert into temp_tb([test_values],[time]) select 3,'...
ISNULL(COUNT(B.test_values),0)ASnum FROM( SELECT datepart(week,dateadd(week,0,dateadd(day,number,'2009-02-01')))AS[Week] FROMmaster.dbo.spt_values WHEREtype='p'ANDnumberBETWEEN0AND27 GROUPBYdatepart(week,dateadd(week,0,dateadd(day,number,'2009-02-01'))) )ASA LEFTJOINtemp_tbASB ONA...
Invalid object name 'master.dbo.spt_values'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 208) 解决该错误的办法就是到SQL SERVER 2008安装程序中找u_tables.sql。然后再手工执行一次即可。
master.dbo.spt_values if object_id('temp_tb') is not null drop table temp_tb create table temp_tb ([ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [test_values] int NULL, [time] datetime null, ); go insert into temp_tb([test_values],[time])...
select * from master.dbo.spt_values 是这样查询时候无效吗无法连接到服务器上 服务器:消息208,级别16,状态1 [microsofe][ODBC SQL Server Dirver][SQL Server] 对象名master.dbo.spt_values’无效2012-08-27 16:48:48| 分类: 默认分类|举报|字号 订阅如何重建 master 数据库(重建...
Arthur Kirchner Ten Centuries Points: 1239 More actions April 2, 2023 at 10:47 am #4168122 Like (0) I was shocked to learn that this table still exists in SQL Server, and nobody is talking about it ^^. It seems to be around since the 80s as it is also used is SAP ASE, former...
FROM master.dbo.spt_values WHERE (type ='P') AND (number<12)更多应⽤(转):getting descriptions of used objects in somewhat non-intuitive and complicated way Some posts warn against its use since it can be removed in future versions of SQL Server but there are already code scripts...