Master data management helps you gain insights into volumes of data—about your products, services, customers and transactions— through self-service analytics.
利用IBM 的数据集成和数据治理功能作为数据管理策略的一部分,简化数据访问。 了解更多 Master Data Management 解决方案 深入了解全方位视图 自助服务和 ML 驱动的数据匹配功能可帮助业务用户跨内部和外部来源获得可信、统一的客户和企业数据视图。 IBM Match 360通过全面和集中式洞察分析提高数据质量 管理单个或多个数据...
IBM——国际商业机器 IBM总部位于美国纽约阿蒙克,IBM Info Sphere Master Data Management v.于2019年8月正式上市,IBM云端主数据管理于2018年8月正式上市。Gartner估计,2018年该供应商的MDM软件总收入为2.039亿美元。截至2019年3月,其在线客户的前三大数据域和估计许可数量分别是B2C客户(499个许可证)、成品...
The bank is using IBM's Reference Data Management solution to govern the mapping between the two standards so that at a worldwide level, they can report on the industries of their customer base (i.e. what’s the top 3 industries of our customer base) even though different systems in diff...
主数据管理(Master Data Management)基础 什么是Master Data(主数据)? 无论是银行、零售商或者政府机构,一个机构内部总有一组核心的数据,各种应用均会使用。 此类数据我们便称为“Master Data(主数据)”。Master Data 代表着核心商业对象,商业事务会围绕着这些对象开展。常见的例子有:customer(客户)、employee(员工...
IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management – What is Master data?Ibm Corporation
A master data management system is a software or technology solution designed to facilitate the governance, management, and synchronization of master data across an organization. The primary goals of MDM are to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and reli
IBM InfoSphere IBM InfoSpherehas been a top master data management tool for years, offering accurate and actionable insights that help businesses access instant value from their business-critical data. The platform provides a rich set of tools for data quality management, including functionalities...
Master data management, data governance, and customer data integration (CDI) news, analysis, trends, and research from Database Trends and Applications.
IBM Infosphere IBM Infosphere is a robust MDM solution designed for large enterprises that need to manage complex, distributed data environments. It offers both physical (centralized) and virtual (federated) MDM deployment options. This flexibility allows organizations to manage data in ways that fit...