SAP Business Information Warehouse (BW) Internal key of type INT4 that you use for master data for master data-bearing characteristics, especially for hierarchy nodes and for characteristic names. Master data IDs (SIDs) and characteristic values are stored in master data tables (SID tables). Inf...
While it is true that the reason why you cannot delete master data is because of referential integrity checks between MD and data in the infoproviders it should be noted that these are surrogate keys and not the actual key values (ie. customer id, employee #, etc). Assuming that you are...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Software Product Function View products (1) Hello SCN, In the older version i.e. BI 7.0, we experience Memory overflows while deleting the master data. Because system checks for all the dependencies of the data as...
SAP BWCONTMAST Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in thisSAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in BWCONTMAST table. RELID: Region in IMPORT/EXPORT Data Table Its a key field. Its data type is CHAR (Character String) ...
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation View products (1) Hi experts, Hope someone could help I try to import Master Data using this package : /CPMB/IMPORT_IOBJ_MASTER In my transformation file, i put VALIDATE RECORDS to NO. and, in the Mapping Section, I have written : ID=ID While...
To extract the relevant master data from BW, BW contains an extraction program that creates an export file in ASCII format. The program downloads a query result to a database table and from there to a flat file on the application server. All vendors in the master data table are incl...
SAP BW Administrators / Developers. Table of Contents Introduction Audience Table of Contents 1. Find the SID of the master-data value 2. Find the related info-providers 1. Find the SID of the master-data value This chapter describes the steps to find the SID of the master-data value...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Hello everybody, I am new to BI 7.0. I read lot of document and found in ECC has standard extractors are available to extract transaction data but cant find the standard extractor to extract the master data. Please guide me how to extract...
Hi, I am trying to load master data from BW to BPC for Account Dimension. I have few questions. 1. While loading the data, do i need to mandatory set the selections for
Master Data Activation problem on Netweaver 7.4 - CL_RSDMD_ACTIVATE_MASTER_DATA=CP Former Member on 2015 May 19 0 Kudos 664 SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse), SAP NetWeaver, NW AS Java Administrator (NWA) Hi, When I activate the PYBARCODE InfoObject (it includes...