// Step 4 - Create a new agent master_agent = new("master vip agent",UUT.AXI_GPIO_Sim_i.axi_vip_0.inst.IF); // Step 5 - Start the agent master_agent.start_master(); 准备就绪,可以发送传输事务了。发送AXI4-Lite 传输事务其实很简单。只需使用 AXI4LITE_WRITE_BURST(addr,prot,data,re...
【AXI4-Lite Read Data Channel】 在示例程序中,AXI Master模块由于数据总线位宽为32bit,因此M_AXI_WSTRB管脚始终输出为:4’b1111 【AXI4-Lite Write response Channel】 【AXI4-Lite Read Address Channel】 其中端口M_AXI_ARPROT,参见【AXI4-Lite Write Address Channel】中的M_AXI_AWPROT 【AXI4-Lite Rea...
master_agent.AXI4LITE_WRITE_BURST(base_addr + addr,0,data,resp); Add the the following code to write 0x0 to the AXI GPIO register 0x0, which should turn OFF the LED //Send 0x0 to the AXI GPIO Data register 1#200ns addr = 0; data = 0; master_agent.AXI4LITE_WRITE_BURST(base_...
2:掌握通过VIVADO工具产生AXI-lite-master代码 3:理解AXI-lite-master中自定义寄存器的地址分配 4:掌握通过VIVADO封装AXI-lite-master图形化IP 5:通过仿真验证AXI-lite-master IP的工作是否正常。 2.2创建axi4-lite-master总线接口IP 新建fpga工程,过程省略 新建完成工程后,单击菜单栏Tools->Create and Package New ...
According to the Platform designer documentation, the AMBA 4 AXI-Lite slave can be interconnected to AXI4 master. However, in such a case, rlast signal is not generated. The problem seems to be related to altera_merlin_bust_uncompressor module which seems to hav...
2:axi-lite-master的axi_awvalid 当start_single_write有效,开始一次写传输,设置axi_awvalid有效。 always @(posedge M_AXI_ACLK) begin //Only VALID signals must be deasserted during reset per AXI spec //Consider inverting then registering active-low reset for higher fmax ...
AXI Project Structure AXI4 Common src Axi4 src testbench Axi4Lite src testbench AxiStream src testbench Release History For the release history see,CHANGELOG.md Learning OSVVM You can find an overview of OSVVM atosvvm.github.io. Alternately you can find our pdf documentation atOSVVM Documentat...
在 AXI4-Lite 接口上,写操作需要在 WREADY 和 WVALID 信号均为高时进行,数据随后从主接口传输到从接口。写操作完成后,写响应通过 BREADY 和 BVALID 信号传输回主接口,指示写操作是否成功。对于读操作,地址通过 ARREADY 和 ARVALID 信号在主接口和从接口之间传输,数据随后从从接口传输至主接口...
CAN-bus Controller with AXI4-lite Interface. Contribute to otto-tom/can_axi4lite development by creating an account on GitHub.
基于前面5篇文章中5个实验,我们已经掌握了AXI4总线协议,现在我们编写一个自定义的AXI-Lite-Slave GPIO IP,并且用编写的AXI-Lite-Master IP对齐进行仿真验证和上板验证。 本文实验目的: 1:修改VIVADO产生的s ... ,UISRC工程师学习站