We demonstrate that the position of Mont Blanc in the bend of the western Alps plays an important role in its tectonic history and that simple 2D models are insufficient to explain its evolution. Interference between NW–SE compression and orogen- parallel extension along the Rhoˆne-Simplon ...
an iconic peak of the Chamonix-Mont-Blanc Valley (Mont Blanc massif, France), using a medium-range TLS and then a long-range TLS. The Drus west face is subvertical, 1000 m high and consists of Hercynian granitic rocks. It was affected by several significant collapses during the second ...
The main branch continues in the Chamonix zone to the S of Martigny, between the Mont Blanc and Aiguilles Rouges massifs (Gourlay & Ricou 1983; Gourlay 1984; Steck 1984,1990; Epard 1986; 1990; Hubbard & Mancktelow 1987; 1992; Steck et al., 1999, 2001). To the east the 3 km...
Carte Géologique du Maroc au 1: 200 000, feuille Todhra–Maider Notes Mem. Serv. Geol. Maroc (1988), p. 243 Google Scholar Donzeau, 1972 M. Donzeau Les déformations hercyniennes dans le Paléozoïque des Monts d’Ougarta (Sahara occidental algérien) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser...
Carte géologique spéciale No 123, notice explicative. Office Fédéral des Eaux et de Géolo- gie (Berne). Stöckhert, B. & Gerya,T.V., 2005: Pre-collisional high pressure metamorphism and nappe tectonics at active continental margin: a numerical simulation. Terra Nova 17, 2, 102–110...