masseter muscle [mæˈsi:tə ˈmʌsl] 释义 咬肌 实用场景例句 全部 Bilateral symmetry of denture ,masseter muscle, TMJ and jaw movement. 牙列、 咀嚼肌 、 颞下颌关节、下颌运动左右对称. 互联网 The administration of succinylcholine can result in varying degrees of increasedmasseter muscle...
muscle in 强行进入,抢夺 muscle into 硬挤进侵入干涉强夺 muscle out 强行逐出,驱逐 相似单词 masseter 咀嚼肌; 咀嚼肌; 咬肌 muscle n. 1.[C,U]肌肉,膂力 2.[U]权利,威信 v.[I] 硬挤 Houston'muscle 【医】 豪斯顿氏肌, 阴茎背静脉压肌 muscle bound adj. 因运动过度 muscle builder n....
Related to Masseter muscle:temporalis muscle mas·se·ter (mə-sē′tər, mă-) n. A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing. [New Latinmassētēr, from Greekmasētēr, massētēr, frommasāsthai,to chew.] ...
Define masseter (muscle). masseter (muscle) synonyms, masseter (muscle) pronunciation, masseter (muscle) translation, English dictionary definition of masseter (muscle). n. A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing. mas′se·ter′ic
Masseter Muscle: Location, Actions, and Trigger PointsSee the
将“masseter muscle"翻译成Sosoni' 語 aʼrrŭm yĭm a gĭn是将“masseter muscle"翻译成 Sosoni' 語。 masseter muscle The large muscle that raises the underjaw and assists in mastication. + 添加翻译 英文-Sosoni' 語字典 aʼrrŭm yĭm a gĭn Shoshone 显示算法生成的翻译 ...
Trousseau's twitching (面肌颤搐) 特鲁索氏颤搐 neosin (肌中的一种碱) 尼奥辛 spasm (多指小腿腓肠肌痉挛) 转筋 quinetalate (平滑肌松弛药,平喘药) 酞氨喹 Weiss's sign (击面神经,面肌痉挛) 韦斯氏征 Maracci's muscle (乳晕及乳头下的平滑肌束) 马拉切氏肌 ...
The powerful masseter muscle originates along the full length of the facial crest and zygomatic arch and has wide insertions along the caudo-lateral aspect of the mandible, with its deeper fibers running ventrocaudally and its more superficial fibers running almost vertically. ...
美[mæ'seɪtə] 释义 n. 嚼肌,咬肌 实用场景例句 全部 Bilateral symmetry of denture ,massetermuscle, TMJ and jaw movement. 牙列、 咀嚼肌 、 颞下颌关节、下颌运动左右对称. 互联网 The administration of succinylcholine can result in varying degrees of increasedmassetermuscle tension. ...
1999 . Macaque masseter muscle: internal architecture, fiber length and cross-sectional area . Int J Primatol 20 : 441 – 462 .Anton SC (1999) Macaque masseter muscle: internal architecture, fiber length and cross-sectional area. Int J Primatol 20, 441-462....