Kneebone J, Hoffman WS, Dean MJ, Armstrong MP (2014) Movements of striped bass between the Exclusive Eco- nomic Zone and Massachusetts state waters. N Am J Fish Manag 34:524-534Kneebone J, Hoffman W, Dean M & Armstrong M. (2014). Movements of striped bass between the Exclusive ...
The bass move in chasing schools of mackerel, herring, and squid and they are big ones! Our average fish weigh around 25 pounds. We catch fish in the 50 pound range every year. Mid June and Early July is world class. Mass Bay Guides provides both offshore and inshore striped bass chart...
6 hrs (1/2 day) Inshore Choose your Target Species of Striped Bass or Groundfish (dependent on season). Spend the morning or evening fishing on the inside ledges of Massachusetts Bay, the shoals of Cape Cod Bay, or the North River. This trip is based on fishing Sunrise or Sunset and ...
A new record of a pugheaded striped bass, Roccus saxatilis, weighing 16 pounds, is described and illustrated. It was taken by an angler off Nantucket, and resisted capture as a normal fish. It seemed in good condition except for the deformity, and its stomach contained sea herring....
Kneebone J, Hoffman WS, Dean MJ, Fox DA, Armstrong MP (2014b) Movement patterns and stock composition of adult striped bass tagged in Massachusetts coastal waters. Trans Am Fish Soc 143:1115-1129Kneebone, J., W. S. Hoffman, M. J. Dean, D. A. Fox, and M. P. Armstrong. 2014. ...