Massachusetts. (Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co. bonds, Chelsea city charter)(Around the Nation)Fitzgibbons, Patrick M
Seniors often use the proceeds from the sale of their home to pay the Entry Fee of the CCRC. However, the resident should be cautioned than in most CCRCs, the payment of the Entry Fee is not the same as the purchase of an apartment or real estate of any kind. The agreements in man...
Nicholson stated, “I am honored to have been elected by my peers as the President of the Massachusetts Mayors’ Association….I look forward to continuing a collaboration with my fellow mayors and state leaders as we continue to advocate for the many pressing issues facing municipal government....
The article reports that the municipal primary market will see a steady stream of mid-range deals with an $830 million offering from the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA). Bear Ste...
Market begins digging out; Massachusetts GOs lead way.(general obligation bonds)(Municipal Market)(Column)Ring, Niamh
The article reports that the municipal market in the U.S. was more or less firmer on December 1, 2009 as Massachusetts came in the market with a 956 million dollar sale of the taxable Build America Bonds. It notes that...
Albano, Christine
Chesla, NicholasJohnson, Anastasija
As N.Y.C. delays issue, Bay State rescues primary; bonds rise a bit.(New York City, Massachusetts)(Municipal Market)(Column)Ring, Niamh
Secondary market seems set in ice; bidding close for Mass. GO deal. (Massachusetts general obligation bonds) (The Municipal Market) (Column)O'Donnell, Kathie