At the Bellingham Council on Aging (COA), warmth and laughter are as much a part of the atmosphere as the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Josie Dutil, the COA's energetic director, is passionate about healthy aging and has fostered a... ...
George Metzger, Central Square Business Association Susan Pacheco, Cambridge Council on Aging Simon Shapiro, Cambridge Local First Ritesh Warade, Resident, Cambridge Highlands Marcus Goodwin, Resident, Mid-Cambridge/TransitScreen (expires Sept 25, 2019) Michael Monestime, Central Square Business Associatio...
While the Council on Aging dial-a-rides do not achieve productivities as high as those achieved by public transit dial-a-rides, lower operating costs are achieved on a per hour basis. Thus the costs per passenger trip are very close to those for the public transit systems. The major ...
Council On Aging (1 open seat) Board of Health Member (1 seat) Planning Board (1 alternate) ZBA (1 alternate) If interested, people may contact the Town Administrator's office at 978-355-2504 x135 or email for more information. Hard copy applications are available...
SOMERSET At the Council on Aging: Bill Mulligan will entertain at Somerset Council on Aging, 115 Wood St., tomorrow. The performance will follow a corned beef sandwich luncheon that will be served at 11:30 a.m. Tickets for the event are $4 per person. For tickets, call the Council on...
HARTSTEIN Secretary Tel: (617) 727-7750 Fax: (617) 727-9368 TTY/TTD 1-800-872-0166 A Message to Massachusetts Council on Aging (COA) Directors Regarding the FY 2014 Formula Grant Allocation This notice provides guidance for the FY2014 Formula Grant Allocation and Award ...
Special to the Independent Mayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the City of Everett’s Council on Aging (COA) has planned events, along with new and recurring programming, that are intended for adults aged 60 and above. The following… ...
The Treasurer/Collectors Tax Window will be CLOSED on March 11, 2025. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The office is presently short staffed. Residents who need to make tax payments may still do so by dropping them off with the Assistant Treasurer whose office is located on...
Security Council passed Resolution 678, which gave the green light for military intervention in Iraq if its government didn't pull forces out of Kuwait by Jan. 15 of the following year. [Pictured: On June 1, 1990, President George H.W. Bush and President Mikhail Gorbachev sign the Chemical...
Council Chamber Feb 21 Woburn Commission on Disability 5:30 pm Engineering Conference Room Feb 21 250th Anniversary Celebration Committee 6:00 pm Community Resource Center Training Room Feb 24 Woburn School Committee – Finance & Personnel Subcommittee ...