The Law Offices of Robert A. Shuman. Call 781-793-1111. If you are a car accident or medical malpractice victim, our Boston, Massachusetts, lawyers can help.
Cash outrefinancesandequity lineshave some special rules. If you use the money for a car, a vacation, college tuition, etc., then you can deduct your interest on loan amounts up to $100,000. If you borrow more than $100,000, the interest on the excess is not deductible. However, if...
Now a landlord will be charged 3+ hours of lawyer time as opposed to 30 minutes if we are forced to drive to Boston, Worcester or Lawrence for mediation dates. Evictions are already a lose-lose financial abyss for landlords, so I would hope that judges will routinely grant attorneys’ ...
Car Accident Lawyer Blog Can a Drunk Driver's Conviction Help Your Personal Injury Case in Massachusetts? Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is a leading cause of car accidents across the United States, and Massachusetts is no exception. Victims of drunk driving accidents often face ...
Our Boston, MA accident lawyers will help do everything that is possible so you receive an excellent result. Listed below you will find our Massachusetts personal injury lawyer specialists: If it is more convenient for you, Attorney Gil Hoy or another of our expertMassachusetts personal injury ac...
He may want to lawyer up himself. Let’s Play Monday Morning Quarterback! Now, what could have been done differently in this case to avoid the bad result for the seller? For starters, the seller’s attorney should have delivered the draft PSA on time. Once the parties started ...