L. Tung, “Determination of mass transfer resistance during absorption of carbon dioxide by mixed absorbents in PVDF and PP membrane contactor,” Desalination, 249, 647-653 (2009). :Lin S H,Hsieh C F,Li M H,Tung K L.Determination of mass transfer resistance during absorption of carbon ...
e. , thermal resistance and the pressure drop, which in turn depend on the average heat transfer and friction coefficients. These coefficients can be taken from fluid flow and heat transfer models. An extensive literature survey reveals... Khan,Waqar - Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume:...
Several particle size fractions of a 1 per cent Pd-carbon catalyst were used to help separate the gas absorption resistance, the external mass transfer resistance, and the internal resistance to pore diffusion and reaction. Corrected to the same concentration of hydrogen, the initial rate of ...
In this work, SO2 absorption in aqueous NaOH (gas side mass transfer resistance controlled system) and O-2 desorption from the water (liquid side mass transfer resistance controlled system) are experimentally evaluated for enhancement in the controlling side volumetric mass transfer coefficient using th...
The characteristics of the absorption process are found to be governed by the relative significance of the mass transfer resistance and the driving forces between the solution film and the vapor mixture.doi:10.1080/01457639808939926BYONGJOO KIM
The Ratio of Gas-Phase to Liquid-Phase Mass Transfer Coefficients in Gas-Liquid Contacting Processes The results of multicomponent experiments with mass transfer at the air-water interface are analyzed using the indirect approach of fitting overall mass transfer rate constants to the two-resistance mod...
ingly.TheresultsindicatedthatthemasstransferresistanceofcarbonationusingBOFS/CRWinanRPB wasmainlylayontheliquidside.Inaddition,theeffectofkeyoperatingvariablessuchasrotatingspeed, slurryflowrate,gasflowrate,andliquid-to-solid(L/S)ratioonmasstransfercharacteristicswaseval- uated.Thedevelopedmodelwasvalidatedwit...
membraneresistance.WhenNaOHsolutionwithconcentrationof2×10 3 mol⋅m −3 wasemployedasabsorbent, theoverallmasstransfercoefficientalmostreachesthevalueofindividualmasstransfercoefficientofthe membrane.Finally,thesmoothabsorptionprocessshowsthatthebubblingandweepingproblems,thoseare ...
A model is thus developed where the normal assumption of internal local equilibrium between the vapour and bound phases is replaced by a mass transfer resistance. The model is applied to onedimensional moisture flow in a body of finite thickness and solved analytically. Numerical values calculated ...
Mass transfer in the body also affects transport across cell membranes, which controls processes in millions of cells affecting every area of the body. The majority of mass transfer occurs across small membranes of thin surfaces in order to shorten the distance over which substances must travel ...