Combined phenomenon of heat and mass transfer is considered. Closed-form solutions in general form are obtained by using the Laplace transform technique. They are expressed in terms of exponential and complementary error functions. Velocity is expressed as a sum of thermal and mechanical parts. ...
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical SimulationLenzi, E. K., dos Santos, M. A. F., Lenzi, M. K., and Menechini Neto, R., 2017, "Solutions for a Mass Transfer Process Governed by Fractional Diffusion Equa- tions With Reaction Terms," Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.,...
This comprehensive presentation of the whole field of heat and mass transfer makes the reader familar with the fundamentals and enables him to solve practical problems. The basic theory is developed systematically, and the solution methods to all important problems are covered in detail. Therefore, ...
1、Summery of mass transfer and problems for mass transfermass transferdiffusionConvective mass transferSteady stateUnsteady state Diffusion with or without chemical reactions thermal diffusion, pressure diffusion, forced diffusion etcBiot number of mass, its difference from Sherwood numberconcentratio 2、n...
New exact solutions of some nonlinear unsteady-state mass- and heat-transfer equations are obtained by functional separation of variables. Nonlinearities related to the complex kinetics of chemical reactions and the dependence of the transfer coefficients on concentration or temperature are considered. Part...
Most of the systems, including aqueous solutions of inorganic salts and organic melts, were found to exhibit considerable effects of both mass and heat transfer during crystal growth. It was confirmed that a general criterion for the existence of a significant heat transfer limitation was that the...
It has many applications and has been studied extensively since Graetz (1885). The classical Graetz problem considers the forced convection heat transfer of fluids flowing in ducts while neglecting axial conduction in the fluid as cited in [1]. The mathematical and approximations solutions of the ...
A conversion file for the "units" mathematics utility that modifies core constants setting second = 299 thousand meters and c = 1. This simple change allows the units tool to render mass to energy space to time solutions. Amazingly changing these fund
USB flash driveshave aided the storage and transfer of data since they were first introduced. Today it is hard to imagine life without them as they have become indispensable. As effective as USB drives have become, we often encounter difficulties with their use. The error "Problem ejecting USB...
Modification of analytical solutions of coupled heat and mass transfer processes in liquid desiccant dehumidifier for deep dehumidification Bowen Guan, Xiaohua Liu, Tao Zhang Article 120728 select article A simple conjugate analysis and its comparison with experiment for heat transfer problems associated wit...