transfer v.[T] 1.搬;转换;调动 2.使换车;使转校 3.改变,转变 4.转印,描摹 5.转让,让渡 v.[I] 1.搬迁,转移;调任 2.换车,转车 3.转校,转学科 n. Transfer 传输,传递.转移(=XEFR) coefficient n. 1.【数】系数 2.【物】(测定物质某种特性的)系数 Mass. Massachusetts 美国马萨诸塞州州...
mass transfer coefficient 英 [mæs trænsˈfɜː(r) ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃnt] 美 [mæs trænsˈfɜːr ˌkoʊɪˈfɪʃnt]传质系数 ...
transfer v.[T] 1.搬;转换;调动 2.使换车;使转校 3.改变,转变 4.转印,描摹 5.转让,让渡 v.[I] 1.搬迁,转移;调任 2.换车,转车 3.转校,转学科 n. Transfer 传输,传递.转移(=XEFR) coefficient n. 1.【数】系数 2.【物】(测定物质某种特性的)系数 Mass. Massachusetts 美国马萨诸塞州州...
Infinite external convective mass transfer coefficient and constant diffusion coefficient approaches are numerously applied in the literature. However, in natural convection cases, mass transfer coefficient value may not be infinite. In addition, the diffusion coefficient may be time and/or temperature ...
and the overall mass transfer coefficient is (9)KA=1kA+1m′kB−1. The value ofKAmay depend primarily onkAor onkB, depending on whetherm′ is very large or very small. For example, if acetic acid (C) is being extracted fromn-hexane (A) by water (B), the distribution ratiom′ is...
transfercoefficient.Examplesaretheboundarylayerresistancemodel[11, theosmoticpressuremodel[21andthegellayermodel[31.Suchanexpres- sionforthemasstransfercoefficientshouldbeabletorepresenttheeffectof changingconditionsinsystemsthatareusedformembranefiltration.The valueofthemasstransfercoefficientkcanmostgenerallybecalculated...
Determination of the Henry's Constant and the Volumetric Mass Transfer Coefficient of VOCs in Solvents Absorption of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs): dimethylsulfide (DMS), dimethyldisulfide (DMDS) and toluene, in organic solvents: di-(2-ethyl)......
Results reveal that geometry of the rock matrix blocks and dispersivity have important effects on the upscaled mass transfer coefficient. It is found that field scale simulations of transport processes without including the dispersion in fractures are not valid for the whole range of practical ...
Correlation of Mass Transfer Coefficient Rowan University传质系数的的关系罗文大学-PPT精选文档 CorrelationofMassTransferCoefficient DanDuffieldRickPelletier2-21-2019 MassTransferCoefficient,km Correlatedusing- ShxReSc m 13 wherex=constant Figure5showstheplotofthepresentdatabytherelationoflog(Sh...
1.使用mixture模型,后处理可以查看两相间的质量传输 2.VOF模型的话,自定义质量传输,可以通过printf收敛...