The only Catholic masses in English in the city are held at Saint Joseph's Church, the english speaking catholic church of the city. Founded in 1863, it is staffed by priests of the Congregation of the Passion and located 50, avenue Hoche 75008 nearChamps-Elysées.Paris map. Metro station...
Being Catholic, I always wonder when I see those bumper stickers: "What would Jesus Do?" Considering Jesus supposedly never had sex, was apparently infallible, and didn't seem taken up in basic biology, like getting constipated or the reverse, that tend to rule my day to day, I especially...
Then you have the moderates. Those in the middle. Me and a few others. But I am going to insist on my right as a Catholic and as priest to celebrate the liturgy according to the Council, according to the presently approved liturgical books, to celebrate a form of the Mass that therefor...
For more information, please consult the Official Traditional Catholic Directory, listing all Traditional Latin Masses and Traditional Resources for North America. What to Do if There is no Traditional Church near Me? Pray to the Holy Ghost for Help and Guidance. Follow Fr. Demaris instructions he...
Click picture to enlarge Submit a picture Description Later known as Worcester State Hospital, the Asylum was designed by an architect named Mr. Ward P. Delano of the firm Fuller & Delano of Worcester. Mr. Delano also designed the Worcester Theatre and City Hospital. ...
A woman asked today if I’ve written anything to clarify the confusion over the Pope’s post-Synodal document,Amoris Laetitia.She said, I love the Church and always plan to be a Catholic. Yet, I am confused about Pope Francis’ last Exhortation. I know the true teachings on marriage. Sa...
Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, ex Anglo-Iranian (BP) Oil executive, Most Reverend (Gag me) Justin Welby said in his Christmas sermon “ISIS is Herod of today; Christians face elimination in the region where it began; I am confident these are the last days” Last days for who? For Ch..., refresh your ancient Catholic Liturgy memory at this link:The-Traditional-Latin-Tridentine-MassThen, look at how we almost lost it, at this link:Old and New Catholic LiturgyFor delving deeper into, first, heterodox (untraditional, ...
he, with conscious clearness, first puts forward "bread and wine" as objective gift offerings, but at the same time maintains that these elements become the "body and blood" of the Word through consecration, and thus by simply combining these two thoughts we have the Catholic Mass of today....
with conscious clearness, first puts forward “bread and wine” as objective gift offerings, but at the same time maintains that these elements become the “body and blood” of the Word through consecration; and thus by simply combining these two thoughts we have the Catholic Mass of today. ...