. From the defining equation for an inductor [Eq.(E.3)], we see that the stored magnetic flux in an inductor is analogous to mass times velocity, or momentum. In other words, magnetic flux may be regarded as electric-charge momentum. Next Section:...
Since money equals mass x velocity, lists times products and promotions, this little book you keep could be your secret treasure. Are you beginning now to understand where money comes from? How it is created from scratch? What the true sources of wealth are? Why you can make money without...
The water vapor during exhalation equals the partial pressure of water vapor in the body (47 mm Hg) compared to the dry gas pressure (760 – 47 = 713 mm Hg) times the dry gas expired volume. Thus, the water vapor attaches to the dry gas during expiration. Note that in the ...
1 unit of solar mass equals the mass of the Sun, which is about 2 × 10³⁰ kilograms. The Earth is about 332,946 times smaller than that. Carat In jewelry, the mass of gemstones and metals is measured in carats, where one carat is 200 milligrams. It originally referred to the ...
The damping force (cdX/dt), which is the damping constant times velocity, acts opposite to the direction of the velocity. The spring force, K(X + h), acts in the direction opposite to the displacement. Using Newton's equation of motion, where ∑F = Ma, the sum of the forces acting...
6.2. Neutrino Free Streaming After thermal decoupling, relic neutrinos constitute a collisionless fluid, where the individual particles free stream with a characteristic velocity that, in average, is the thermal velocity vth. It is possible to define a horizon as the typical distance on which ...
Second, the line-of-sight velocity from Earth to a freely moving spacecraft varies each month by 2.04 meters per second, according to very accurate data obtained from radio tracking. From these results the Moon is found to have a mass 1/81 times that of Earth. With slight modifications ...
The diffusion mass flux can be described by the Fick’s first law of diffusion and the convection mass flux is calculated according to the velocity distribution in the phase interface. Here we take the condensation process as an example and the explanation process can be also applied to other ...
Assume S′ moves with a constant velocity vx = 4c/5 relative to S. 22.16 A particle is confined to move along the x axis. If the S position of the particle at time t1 is x1 and at time t2 is x2, the average speed sav in S during this time interval is defined to be sav=x2...
The velocity of the ions vxas they exit the AC or RF ion guide/ion trap3is equal to that of the travelling DC voltage wave (or speed of the axial trapping region) at the time the ions exit the AC or RF ion guide/ion trap3which in turn equals the velocity of the ions being recei...