we quantify the evolution of mass flux of different size fractions and investigate if different fractions exhibit the same two-phase mass flux decay as the total remobilised material. To this end, the mass collected at site S4 has been analysed for grainsize using half-phi-size classes. This ...
In order to isolate the effect of the selected parameter, we held values for the other key parameters constant at a referent value. Each scenario was run 100 times with ¼ the total population size (n = 110,000) using Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations; results were then scaled to ...
That said,it is possibleto do the Extraordinary nuptial rites outside of Mass as you find them in the Ritual (with the nuptial blessing, etc.) and, then, after an – at least – logical (if not chronological) break, launch into a Mass in the Ordinary Form. ...
Number symbolismis sometimes pictorial; in theSt. Matthew Passionit is reasonable that the question “Lord, is it I?” should be asked 11 times, once by each of the faithfuldisciples. But the deliberate search for such symbolism in Bach’s music can be taken too far. Almost any number may...