(2013). Queer necropolitics and the expanding carceral state: Interrogating sexual investments in punishment. Law and Critique, 24(3), 229–253. Google Scholar Loper, A. B., & Tuerk, E. H. (2011). Improving the emotional adjustment and communication patterns of incarcerated mothers: ...
Although Journalism is the main discipline most people specialize in while studying Mass Communication in Nigerian Universities & Polytechnics, it’s an indisputable fact that this is one of the widest programs in our private, state & federal Universities in Nigeria. Aside from studying Journalism, ...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 分支7 标签11 贡献代码 同步代码 Adam Greeneadd suite of ipv6 formatting tests, relate...331b5625个月前 862 次提交 提交取消 提示:由于 Git 不支持空文件夾,创建文件夹后会生成空的 .keep 文件 ...
that another person is using the Service in a way that is harmful to you or others (e.g., to impersonate or imitate you, or to stalk, bully, threaten, intimidate or otherwise harass you or others), we urge you to contact your local authorities, or appropriate state or federal agencies...
EHC Grant,RE Jung,JD Nichols,JE Hines 摘要: Interest in seasonally flooded pools, and the status of associated amphibian populations, has initiated programs in the northeastern United States to document and monitor these habitats. Counting egg masses is an effective way to determine the population ...
Financial support and tax incentives for entrepreneurship and innovation will be enhanced. Innovative enterprises with prominent potential but are not yet profitable will be also encouraged to be listed and apply for financing. Pilot programs will be carried out to grant long-term use right or even...
and has shown that themt-effects in the virtual corrections are of the order of∼−5%for the total cross section, but can amount to∼−25%in the tail of the invariant Higgs-pair-mass (mHH) distribution. This fixed-order calculation has been matched to parton shower programs later [...
A full suite of state-of-the-art instrumentation (trace gases concentrations, aerosol number size distribution, aerosol mass composition, cloud condensation nuclei counter) was deployed on the bow of Polarstern (D-deck) inside the Swiss container. The temperature inside the container was maintained ...
(2–8 h) and serves as the precursor pool for APP synthesis. These hours were chosen as plasma labeled leucine reaches a near steady-state level within the first hour of infusion and an exponential decay in plasma labeled leucine occurs starting from hour 9 when the infusion ceases33. ...
and J.M.S., and ARC-1504457 to J.V.J.; and NSF-Earth Sciences Instrumentation and Facilities grant 1652274 to E.K.T. J.A.B. acknowledges NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (DGE-1256082); A.A.C. acknowledges NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (DGE-1645677). A.d.V. and E.A. ...