1) 产品编码: 3012; 2) 英文名称: 1,2-Dichloroethane in Methanol (Nominal Mass Fraction, 0.01 g/g); 3) 中文名称: 二氯丙烷 ; 4) 包装: 2x2.5 mL
The MS2 spectrum of a molecule often exhibited a specific signature, and often one or more fragment(s) that is unique to any given functional group was obtained. For example, adipates provides a signature fragment of 129.054 m/z, citrate 157.013 m/z, phosphate 98.098 m/z, ...
Interpretation on mass spectrum of GC/MS was done using the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral Database, with NIST MS search program v.2.0g. Chemometric profile of root extracts revealed the presence of 63 phyto-chemotypes, among them, 1-pentacosanol; stigmast-5-en-3-ol, (3尾,24S); 1-teraco...
In Fig. 2 the entire potassium-promoted charging and PhCN-promoted discharging process of graphite is depicted. After melting of potassium in the presence of graphite, the formation of a stage I GIC corresponding to KC8 is verified by the characteristic broad Fano-line-shape spectrum of KC8 (...
Conc. [mM] 1 10 30 NH strentch 3339 3330 3328 λmax [ cm-1 ] AmideⅠ 1641 1635 1624 AmideⅡ 1549 1558 1569 1.00 0.95 0.90 3326 0.85 0.80 4000 1619 1576 3000 2000 Wavenumber (cm-1) 1000 Figure S4 The IR spectrum of the xerogel of 1 in the form of pressed KBr pellet. S10 5...
Sample impurities, desorption and ionization of the sample, and matrix impurities have been linked with this “chemical noise”. The sensitivity of the mass spectrometer is constrained primarily by background ions present in the mass spectrum rather than its inherent sensitivity. Background ion ...
This parameter is calculated using the following equation: zave = ∑ N i ziWi ∑ N i Wi where N is the total number of protein charge states observed in the mass spectrum and Wi is the signal intensity of the zi charge state [57]. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Comparison of ...