mass rate of flow 美 英 un.质量流量率;流量质量单位;质量流率 英汉 un. 1. 质量流量率 2. 流量质量单位 3. 质量流率
沪江词库精选mass rate of flow是什么意思、英语单词推荐 质量流过速率,质量流量率 相似短语 mass rate of flow 质量流过速率,质量流量率 mass flow rate 质量流量 mass flow rate sensitive detector 质量流量敏感性检测器,质量型检测器 mass flow 质量流动,质量流量 flow mass 质量流量 flow rate ...
mass rate of flow 质量流过速率,质量流量率相关短语 contingency table(质量管理) 相依表 law of Guldberg and waage (质量作用定律) 古德柏和瓦治定律 operating characteristic curve (指统计质量控制) 经营特性曲线,经营特性曲线 Nemag (负有效质量放大器与振荡器) 奈迈 baud (发报速率单位) 波特 thermal wave...
the angular momentum debitmetre type consisting of a housing in which are a vortex generator (33), a rotor (37) and a turbine (40) freinee reaction.the rotor has a plurality of through flow passages (61) of the fluid, each of the passages with an entry section (62), and an outlet...
质量流量(Mass Flow Rate)是质量流量入口(Mass-Flow Inlet)边界条件中可以直接指定的一种入口信息,它表示单位时
💥Mass Flow问题解析💥 🤔关于Mass flow的问题,我们首先要明白一个关键点:当Mass流动起来时,无论是离散的流动(比如子弹一颗颗发射),还是连续的流动(比如气体连续喷出),都会形成动量的变化,从而产生力。这个力可以通过公式“force = rate of change of momentum”来计算,也就是每秒钟动量的变化。
关于Mass flow 首先大家要明白,当 Mass 流动起来的时候,不管是 discrete 的流动(第一题中子弹一颗一颗发射),还是 continuous(第二题连续地喷气),都会形成 change in momentum 也就会形成力。我们要牢记 force = rate of change of momentum 也就是每秒钟 momentum 的变化。 1、第一题 第一题我们看到每分钟发射...
where A is the cross-section area of the pipe, and mass flow rate W is obtained through Eq. (38). In the flowmeter, the force cannot be measured directly by the rotation, thus the force through the pipe oscillation replaces the inertia force. Take the Single U-shape tube Coriolis meter...
This converter and conversion scale will convert the mass flow rate (m/t) of a gas or liquid to the equivalent value in a different measurement units and display a set of associated conversion values. Enter the mass flow rate value to be converted in the upper input box. ...
Density of the Flow Material: kg/m^3g/cm^3kilopound/yd^3pound/yd^3pound/ft^3 Velocity of the Flow Material: m/sm/hm/minkm/hmile/h Flow Area: m^2km^2Mile^2Acresyd^2ft^2in^2cm^2mm^2 Mass Flow Rate: kg/sg/skg/minkg/hourkg/dayton/spound/s ...