Mass cytometry permits the high dimensional analysis of complex biological samples; however, some techniques are not yet integrated into the mass cytometry workflow due to reagent availability. The use of self-labeling protein systems, such as HaloTag, are one such application. Here, we describe ...
A novel one-pot procedure for the fast and efficient conversion of raft polymers into hydroxy-functional polymers. Aust. J. Chem. 62, 806–812 (2009). Article CAS Google Scholar Tischer, T. et al. Modular ligation of thioamide functional peptides onto solid cellulose substrates. Adv. Funct...
Denn verglichen mit den hochfliegenden Erwartun- gen der Revolutionsperiode und der Hoffnung auf ein politisches Rätesystem, besaß das strikt auf den wirtschaftlichen Bereich beschränkte Betriebsrätegesetz nur noch rudimentären Charakter.46 Aber schon bald nach Inkrafttreten des neuen ...
Membrane raft components (e.g., ceramide and cholesterol) are also likely critical for SARS-CoV-2 intracellular entry. While ceramide promoted uptake of SARS-CoV-2 virion into epithelial cells, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptor activation inhibited entry [20]. Neutral and acid sphingomyelin...
The application has been greatly expanded since the introduction of the multisphere method to describe nonspherical shapes. Many agricultural seeds such as rice, wheat, maize, and soybean have been represented successfully [14–18]. Therefore, DEM was used here to simulate the motion of seeds in...
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SSttuuddyy TThhee nneewwllyy ddeevveeloloppeeddLLCC-M-MS/SM/MSSmmetehtohdodwawsassucscuecscsefussllfyulalyppalpiepdliteodthteo dtehteerdmeitnearmtioinnaotfioDnDoIEf DinDrIaEt cinerreabtraclerneubcrlaeli nauftcelreiinatfrtaevreinnotruasvaednomuisniasdtrmatiinoinstoraftDioDnIoEf(DFiDguIEre(...
However, the application of MALDI for the analysis of small molecules (<700 Da) has become the great challenge because of the interference from the conventional matrix in low mass region. To overcome this drawback, more attention has been paid to explore interference-free methods in the past ...