For all those who are sick or suffering, and especially those who are near death, that they would experience a happy death, free of pain and loneliness, we pray to the Lord. Response: Lord, hear our prayer. For all the faithful departed in Christ, that perpetual light would shine upon ...
Christ the King Sunday Petitions Easter Easter Petitions Funerals Funeral Petitions Lent Lent Petitions Marriages Marriage Petitions School Mass Petitions Ordinary Time Ordinary Time Petitions Pentecost Pentecost Petitions Saint Days General Saint Day Petitions ...
The Prayer of the Faithful (Bidding Prayers) After each intention there is a pause while the faithful pray. The minister says: Lord, in your mercy. All reply: Hear our prayer. The Priest concludes the Prayer with a collect. When the Liturgy of the Word has been completed, the people ...
In the Catholic Church, holy days of obligation aredays on which the faithful are expected to attend Mass, and engage in rest from work and recreation, according to the Third Commandment.› wiki › Holy_day_of_obligation Holy day of obligation - Wikipedia , the...
Mass continues with the creed (sometimes), theoffertory(anthem with offering of bread and wine), offering of incense (sometimes), washing of the celebrant's hands, and proper prayers called “secrets.” Then there is a chanted or spoken dialogue and proper preface of thanksgiving, ending in ...
when listening to the readings or the homily or following the prayers of the celebrant and the chants in music of the Liturgy. These are experiences of silence and stillness, but they are in their own way, profoundly active. In a culture that neither favors nor fosters meditative quiet, the...
Dear friends, this water will be used to remind us of our baptism. Ask God to bless it, and to keep us faithful to the Spirit he has given us. One of the following two prayers is used... 1. God our Father, your gift of water brings life and freshness to the earth; it washes...
Prayer of the Faithful– prayers for the deceased, the family, the Church and the world Liturgy of the Eucharist Preparation of the Gifts Gifts of bread and wine brought forward by Song at the Preparation Communion Songs Prayer after Communion ...
ORDER OF THE MASS ALTAR (G)-Gospel side(C)-Center(E)-Epistle side I.PREPARATION 1. Prayers at the foot of the Altar (C) 2. Introit (E) 3. Kyrie (C) 4. Gloria (C) 5. Collect (E) 6. Epistle (E) 7. Gradual, Alleluia, Tract (E) ...
, and the Rule of St. Benedict places after Hours, Vespers, and Compline, the regular formula: Et misses fiant (prayers are ended). Popular speech gradually applied the ritual of dismissal, as it was expressed in both the Mass of the Catechumens and the Mass of the Faithful, by ...