约翰塞·巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)创作的《B小调弥撒》(Die h-Moll-Messe BWV 232)被后人认为和其创作的《赋格的艺术》(Die Kunst der Fuge BWV1080)属于同一范畴的作品,即巴赫毕生对声乐的深刻探索的总结,被后人广泛视为古典音乐最高成就。阿尔贝托...
Watch on YouTube: Mass in B minor BWV 232: Complete Work [121:10]13 J.S. Bach: Mass in B Minor [V-5] Mass in B minor BWV 232 Helmuth Rilling Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart / Stuttgarter Kammerorchester Soprano: Arleen Augér; Alto Anne Sophie von Otter; Tenor: Aldo Baldin; Bass: ...
Mis in B Minor, BWV 232 - Bach, RAH 2013 Mass in B minor BWV 232 John Eliot Gardiner Monteverdi Choir / English Baroque Soloists Soloists: Sopranos: Esther Brazil, Hannah Morrison; Alto: Margaret Bragle; Tenor: Nicholas Pritchard; Basses: Alexander Ashworth, David Shipley MC: Sopranos: Esth...
Bach: Mass in B minor - Vox Luminis - Utrecht Early Music Festival - Classical Music Concert HD 0 人观看 4年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Beketova Anna 356个粉丝 Subscribe for more classical live music: Vox Luminis led by Lionel Meunier perfor...
Young French conductor Raphaël Pichon is the founder of Pygmalion, one of today’s most fascinating and ambitious ensembles for Early Music. Hailed by critics as “currently the best conductor for Bach” (Süddeutsche), Pichon performs an absolutely breathtaking Mass in B Minor in the beauti...
I was fascinated a few years ago by the recording of the SMP in it's Mendelssohn arrangement. It would be interesing to hear a pefrormance of of CPE Bach's arrangement of the Mass in B Minor. Stauffer reproduces a few bars of the orchestral introduction which he added to the opening ...
8th recording of Mass in B minor BWV 232 by H. Rilling. More info: Discovery Video: B Minor Mass (Oregon Bach Festival) Watch on You Tube: Mass in B minor BWV 232 [HD: 216:15]: Part I: Kyrie [46:34] + Part II: Gloria [51:24] + Part III: Credo [64:55] + Part IV: ... 约翰塞·巴斯蒂安·巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)创作的《B小调弥撒》(Die h-Moll-Messe BWV 232)被后人认为和其创作的《赋格的艺术》(Die Kunst der Fuge BWV1080)属于同一范畴的作品,即巴赫毕生对声乐的深刻探索的总结,被后人广泛视为古典音乐最高成就。阿尔贝托...