Following adeadly school shooting last month, Republican lawmakers in Tennessee have passed a proposal that would protect gun and ammunition dealers, manufacturers and sellers against lawsuits. The measure now heads to Gov. Bill Lee, despite pushback from Democratic lawmakers saying their GOP counterpar...
The proposal to the problem focus on mass shootings specifically, not gun violence in general, although the potential solutions to mass shootings would do much to prevent gun violence as a whole. Mass shootings represent a mere 2% of gun-related deaths, yet the sheer horror, shock, and scale...
That said, the more defensible argument is that Republicans are a much greater obstacle than Democrats to solving the immediate problem of too many guns in the hands of too many people who ought not have them. But even there it’s not quite the slam dunk Democrats want it to be. An Apr...
Federal law prohibits anyone who has been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility from possessing a gun after being released. Most states also have similar or more restrictive laws on their books; Colorado is one of a handful of states that do not, instead relying on the federal st...
The President of the United States is waiting for Congress to decide on a proposal that barely promotes raising the age to 21 to legally purchase a gun. Hardly a band-aid for the deadly wounds caused by daily shootings, and possibly not even that will be granted by those who take refuge...
The problem with mass shootings is that people are buying illegal guns and killing people and the cops can’t trace the gun back to the suspect. There has been 133 mass shootings in the U.S. between January 2005 to July 2009. The mass shooting in Las Vegas killed 58 people and injured...
He dismissed last year'spassage of last year's gun control law, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, arguing that it has had no significant impact on the occurrence of mass shootings. "Last year, when folks largely on one side of the aisle passed some legislation dealing with gun ...
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I can”t wait for the proposal to lower the voting ageto minus-eight monthsout of outrage that those most vulnerable to abortions have no say in how such atrocities are best prevented. Yes, it’s true: the anti-gun Left is willing to follow President Trump with President Kendall Jenner,...
The campaign of slander against the women had a slow start. While the autopsy results had become available to the authorities, they were not made public. The autopsy demonstrated that the wounds found on the bodies of the dead generals ...