以前我们激活 Windows 和 Office,都是网上四处找激活码,或者下载 KMS 激活软件。今天为大家分享一个开源的激活工具:Microsoft Activation Scripts(微软激活脚本),它最大的优势就是完全免费开源,无需担心病毒、后门等问题。 官网地址:https://massgrave.dev 软件截图: 数字选项介绍: 【1】HWID是新的win10和win11永久...
Win10 激活-微软激活脚本(MAS) 本文使用的网址:https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts 有两种方法,本文介绍一下方法一的使用 1、右击windows开始图标,选择Windows PowerShell(管理员) 2、复制此代码并回车:irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex 3、等待一会儿,弹出如下窗口并按下键盘数字1,...
irmhttps://massgrave.dev/get | iex 2、稍等片刻会弹出一个批处理窗口,这时根据选项操作即可。选择[1]代表数字许可证激活;选择[2]代表KMS38激活(至2038年);选择[3]代表使用KMS激活(180天)。 这里根据需要,键入1,接下来程序自动执行数字权利激活。 至此绿色背景处显示Windows10专业版已经永久激活,整个国产速度...
# Office + Windows MAS激活命令(https://massgrave.dev/) #https://github.com/massgravel/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts irmhttps://massgrave.dev/get| iex # Internet Download Manager 激活命令(https://massgrave.dev/) #https://github.com/WindowsAddict/IDM-Activation-Script irmhttps://massgrave.dev...
Microsoft Activation Scripts (MAS) 是使用 HWID / Ohook / KMS38 / Online KMS 激活方法的 Windows 和 Office 激活脚本。
On Windows 8.1/10/11, right-click on the Windows start menu and select PowerShell or Terminal (Not CMD). Copy-paste the below code and press enter irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex You will see the activation options, and follow onscreen instructions. That's all. Method 2 - Trad...
You will see the activation options. Choose (1) HWID for Windows activation. Choose (2) Ohook for Office activation. That's all. More options Alternatively, you can use the following (It will be deprecated in the future.) irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex ...
- You will see the activation options. Follow the on-screen instructions. - That's all. 3. You will see the activation options. Choose [1] HWID for Windows activation. Choose [2] Ohook for Office activation. 4. That's all. --- @@ -35,22 +35,22 @@ irm https://massgrave....
irm https://massgrave.dev/get | iex You will see the activation options. Choose [1] HWID for Windows activation. Choose [2] Ohook for Office activation. That's all. On older Windows builds you may need to run the below command before, [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[Net....
/Insert-HWID-Key 插入Windows HWID 密钥 /S 以静默模式运行操作(无输出) 若想要激活 MS Office For Mac 进入此连接: https://massgrave.dev/unsupported_products_activation.html#Unsupported_Products_Activation Visual Studio 只能通过以下密钥激活: Visual Studio 2022 Professional TD244-P4NB7-YQ6XK-Y8MMM-YW...