However, flowRatePatch does show the theoretical (analytical) result but patchIntegrate gives a value 5 orders of magnitude lower. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! broccolibadgerandsourav90like this. Tags mass flow rate,openfoam 4.1 Thread ToolsSearch this Thread ...
The problem is related to the way OpenFOAM evaluates the phi(mass flowrate) at the patch with buoyantSimpleFoam solver. In my system, I implemented a codedFixedValue BC for inlet velocity, which enters into the space with some angle from the patch normal. However, the value...
In this work, a preliminary simulation study of the linear mercury diffusion pump (LDP) is performed based on the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. While the dsmcFoam solver in the OpenFOAM platform is used, the inlet model named by fixed mass-flow-rate (FixedMFR) model is ...
ANSYS [44], OpenFOAM [45], COMSOL Multiphysics [46], FLOW-3D [47], STAR-CD [48], and STAR-CCM+ [49] are widely used CFD simulation software packages in the engineering field. Most of the open FOAM chemical solvers are transient. However, ANSYS Fluent has both transient and steady-st...
In order to gain more insight about control mechanisms and improve the mixing properties, a numerical flow control and optimization framework is developed in OpenFOAM (TM), and ZNMF-actuated axisymmetric jets are extensively studied using high-fidelity DNS simulations.In the first part of this ...
FaSavageHutterFOAM 1.0: depth-integrated simulation of dense snow avalanches on natural terrain with OpenFOAM. Geosci. Model Dev. 11, 2923–2939 (2018). Article ADS Google Scholar Germain, D. A statistical framework for tree-ring reconstruction of high-magnitude mass movements: case study of ...
supercritical fluidmembraneOpenFOAMMechanisms of mass transfer intensification in the process of membrane cleaning using supercritical fluids were investigated. Transport properties, hydrodynamics of the solvent flow, mutual solubility of the solvent and the oil contaminant, and capillary effects occurring ...
Fluid flow and concentration fields were simulated to explore the characteristics of mass transfer process with OpenFOAM software. Based on the experimental and simulation results, it was found that as artificial roughness and flow rate value increase, Reynolds number and consequently the first order ...
Issues on the simulation of high-speed compressible flow within turbomachinerydowleeOpenFOAM Running, Solving & CFD11August 6, 202107:40 Transient problem - Reversed flow.Thomas.Fluent UDF and Scheme Programming3September 23, 201406:39 how to set BC for compressible flow target mass flow ratefoolbo...
Hi All, Relatively new to FOAM - I have a scenario using reactingFoam in which I have set up a mass source at an injection location. I have prescribed