I am trying to run a fluent simulation within the model (pic attached). I have given Inlet BC as "mass-flow-inlet" and outlet BC as "Pressure-outlet". I have used transient profile to create .prof file from graph (pic attached) for mass-flow-inlet BC. When I am tryi...
"Mass-flow-outlet" #1 Yanick Garcia Guest Posts: n/a Dears, I am searching for an User Define Function (DEFINE_PROFILE) that controls the mass flow rate through a "pressure outlet" boundary condition using the FLUENT 5.3 coupled solver (compressible fluid). ...
Yes, I am using the Fluent expression and I also check the units. Now, I am simulating the air conditioning of nose in respiratory. So, there is a inspiration and respiration. I use the pressure inlet and mass flow outlet as my boundary condition and I set the sinusoidal mass flow rate...
FLUENTTarget mass flow 问题解决方法.pdf,我设置了target mass-flow rate 比如说 0.0001 kg/s 也在控制台中选择了方法1 压力边界 松弛系数 可是为什么模拟的 fluxes 跟我设置的不一样?? 设置了 target mass-flow rate 以后 pressure-oulet 中的 gauge pressure 还有什么
- it will just continue to reduce the outlet pressure more and more but it will be impossible to reach the target mass-flow. The choked sonic throat puts a physical limit on the mass-flow which you have to accept. You can't change the physics by using a different boundary condition ...
periodic boundary conditionA two-dimensional simulation of membrane permeation and separation in laminar cross-flow configuration has been developed for cases with the periodic boundary condition (PBC) applied at the upstream (inlet) and downstream (outlet) faces of a repeating flow domain. The ...
- it will just continue to reduce the outlet pressure more and more but it will be impossible to reach the target mass-flow. The choked sonic throat puts a physical limit on the mass-flow which you have to accept. You can't change the physics by using a different boundary condition ...
Match Pressure Inlet/Outlet Boundary Condition Mass Flow RateMSchneidFluent UDF and Scheme Programming3February 23, 201907:00 How to write k and epsilon before the abnormal endxiuyingOpenFOAM Running, Solving & CFD8August 27, 201316:33 IcoFoam parallel woesmsrinath80OpenFOAM Running, Solving...
Hi friend, I have massflow data. I want to give it near inlet. dont want to give velocity components. please suggest me the correct method . thanks
for water vapour and air exiting from the membrane. I'm not able to find any pre-defined BC in fluent that could work for me. I have tried using "mass flow outlet" and even "mass flow inlet" to specify selective mass flux for different species but could not get any realistic results...