原文:Mass Effect Codex 翻译:Ryan S.转自A9VG 翻译的比较潦草,有高手看见出错的地方还请跟帖指出.A...
These can power portable cover systems or Shield Pylons, which envelop nearby units in an extra layer of kinetic barriers. Shield Generators are fairly resilient and can usually be manually reactivated if they short out, though they can overload dangerously when damaged. Pylons on the other hand...
File:Codex ME2 - Kinetic Barriers.png File:Codex ME2 - Medi-Gel.png File:Codex ME3 - Medi-Gel.png Codex/Aliens: Council Races Codex/Aliens: Extinct Races Codex/Aliens: Non-Council Races Codex/Aliens: Non-Sapient Creatures Codex/Citadel and Galactic Government ...
Heavy pistols are one of the primary weapons in the Mass Effect universe. Heavy pistols have supplanted the pistol class of weapons seen in the first game, making their introduction in Mass Effect 2. Heavy pistols are a class of semi-automatic weapons wi
With this mod, I wanted to focus on the Mass Effect Universe. However, the Reaper faction's capital ships weren't able to be quite as powerful as in the lore. For instance, the ME codex mentions that "In the case of a Reaper capital ship, these kinetic barriers can hold...
are sealed against vacuum, as the breathable atmosphere envelope is only maintained to a height of about seven meters. The atmosphere is contained by the centrifugal force of rotation and a "membrane" of dense, colorless sulphur hexafluoride gas, held in place by carefully managedmass effect ...
One of the more unique species known to the Milky Way galaxy in terms of physiology and anatomy, the Elcor are a lumbering quadrupedal species native to the high-gravity world of Dekuuna. As slow-moving in culture and politics as they are in life, the government of the elcor, known as...
Kinetic Pulsar; Increases assault rifle DamageHyper Amp; Increase biotic damageTitan Pulsar; Increases heavy pistol DamageSynchronized Pulsar; Increases shotgun DamageThe Citadel:Citadel Souvenirs: Space Hamster; Decoration for captains DeckIllium Skald Fish; Decoration for captains DeckThessian Sunfish...
Location: Milky Way / Caleston Rift The Yakawa System is a star and the five planets that orbit it within the Caleston Rift. Sakata Nambu Maskawa Karumto Kobayashi
Different types of barriers are used in packaging to keep and protect products from the surrounding environment and are often essential for storing and transportation. Today, many barriers are made of different types of polymers, but since most polymers do not exhibit desired barrier properties on ...