《质量效应》传奇版将包含单人基础内容及广受赞誉的《质量效应》《质量效应 2》及《质量效应 3》三部曲系列超过 40 款 DLC,更有多种促销武器、装甲,及各种组合包等你来拿——所有内容,全部重置优化新升级,4K Ultra HD,等你体验。 类型: 射击 , 角色扮演 , 策略 , 冒险 视角: 第三人称视角 版本: 发行...
Mass Effect at war: Continued, seeks to recreate the epic space & land battles from the Mass Effect series, particularly of Mass Effect 3. Release Version 3.0 is intended coincide with the mod's release on Steam and will be the final release version for Mass Effect at War: C...
so i can't use steam configurations to fix the issue, but i do have it on ea. whenever i try to make a new game in mass effect 3 it loads for like a second and then instantly takes me back to the launcher.
质量效应 3Mass Effect 3 81 无主之地 3Borderlands 3 82 龙腾世纪 2Dragon Age II 82 天外世界The Outer Worlds 77 勇闯银河系:不法之徒Rebel Galaxy Outlaw 《质量效应 》的讨论 Mass Effect 1 ME其它 ME其它别名 매스 이펙트韩文
3 years ago @VisheraaДайтезнать, еслиспециалистынашейслужбыподдержкипомогливамрешитьданныйвопрос. About Mass Effect Обсуждениефраншизы...
Had to click STOP in Steam to shut it down first time after quitting in-game, but it shuts down fine since then. Proton 8.0-3 Distro:Linux Mint 21.2 Kernel:5.15.0-79-generic RAM:32 GB GPU Driver:4.6 Mesa 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1 GPU:AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT (navi21, LLVM 15.0.7...
质量效应 传奇版Mass Effect : Edition Légendaire / Mass Effect: Legendary EditionMass Effect Legendary Edition BioWare 2021-03-31 8.99.1 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 资源 媒体评分 8.9 会员评分 9.1 只有一个人能够阻止人类史上最大的危机。透过《质量效应》传奇版在备受好评的《质量效应》三部曲中重温指挥...
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ratings closed. Highest Rated (18 agree)10/10 I have to say I don't have anything bad to say about this mod. It fixes the only downside of the original mass effect, that is that the textures looked quite low resolution, something I have often noticed (and disl...
Mass Effect 评分明细 这是按 CrossOver 版本划分的评分。最新的版本总是在应用程序的概述页面上使用。点击一个版本来查看提交给它的评分。 关于评分系统 24.0.4 · macOS 23.7.0 · macOS 22.1.1 · macOS 22.1.0 · macOS 21.0.0 · macOS 20.0.4 · macOS 19.0.2 · macOS 19.0.1 · ...
Use the config app to copy the Mass Effect saves from: C:\users\steamuser\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect Close the app, switch back to Proton 9 and run the game. You should now see the option to import your old save from the "New Game" menu. No Launch options are required as th...