In the first Mass Effect, for example, you're given two key choices at the beginning of the game that effectively select which version of Commander Shepard you want to inhabit. You decide the personal history and the psychology of Shepard. You decide whether they grew up as the nomadic ...
In order to examine both this progress and its problems, this article primarily uses close readings of game texts including the Mass Effect series, supplemented by key existing critical work on in-game sexuality (Consalvo, 2003; Shaw, 2009; Greer, 2013). The article begins with an application...
A key point to minimize error in accurate mass measurement is ensuring that the target ion is completely free of interfering ions, because these ions shift the mass of the target peak. In general, high mass resolution and high mass accuracy depend on each other, because the latter tends to ...
By fitting a linear increase to the rate evolution within all the scan steps, we find a slope of mbgtscan = (3 ± 3) µcps s–1, which is included in the β-decay spectrum fit. This effect was first observed in later physics runs, in which the scan-step duration ...
The neutron is composed of two down quarks, each with 1/3 elementary charge, and one up quark, with 2/3 elementary charge. The nucleus is bound together by the residual effect of the strong force, a fundamental interaction that governs the behaviour of the quarks that make up the ...
It may work, but if you run into issues, remove the event key as a first debugging step.With LunarVim, tree-sitter integration can be enabled as follows:{ "andymass/vim-matchup", setup = function() vim.g.matchup_matchparen_offscreen = { method = "popup" } end, }, lvim.builtin....
A significant joint effect of rs13218408 and rs16874954 was observed on Lp-PLA2 activity (P = 0.058) and mass (P = 0.003), with their minor alleles together linking to the largest reduction in Lp-PLA2 levels (37.8% reduction in activity and 41.6% reduction in mass). Taken ...
Krieg RD, Key SW (1972) Transient shell analysis by numerical time integration. In: Oden JT, Clough RW, Yamamoto Y (eds) Advances in computational methods for structural mechanics and design. UAH Press, Huntsville, pp 237–258 Google Scholar Lagrange JL (1788) Méchanique Analytique, Paris ...
In respect to other endeavors, much effect should be put on expanding the virus proteomes of different families, elucidating the functions of the key proteins involved in the viral pathogenesis, and discovering sensitive biomarkers. Acknowledgements We thank Xueming Dong for helpful comments Chris ...
26.2.6 Effect of Termination and TransferChain termination and transfer are reactions which are frequently encountered in ‘real’ polymerizations, especially with polar monomers. This effect can lead to distributions of the Schulz–Flory type, or to even broader ones. Numerous publications have dealt...