Dr. Chloe Michel is being blackmailed. Someone learned about her dismissal from a previous employer and the circumstances surrounding it. Now, if she doesn't give these people her supplies they're threatening to go public with what they know. This missio
which launches directly into PlayStation Plus. Take on galaxy-saving quests and make tough decisions in Mass Effect Legendary Edition and venture through a post-apocalyptic kung-fu fable in Biomutant.
↑Plot Database: LE1.CH1_Star_Citadel.Find_the_Quarian.knows_about_doctor.Oc_Sec_Contact ↑Plot Database: LE1.CH1_Star_Citadel.Combat_Simulator,Mass Effect Cut Content/Citadel Voicelines#sta20_amb_combat_simulator ↑Bonus Content Disc/Environments: Citadel#Image 11,PC Tweaks#Main_levels...
Doctor Michel's blackmailer convinced to back off. Helena Blake's gang disbanded at Sheppard's request (paragon/charm) Mallene Callis' request on Noveria declined (paragon) Administrator Anoleis arrested by Gianna Parasini, Lorik Qui'in testified at his trial (and is now administrator) Helped ...
[citadel: doctor michel] killed blackmailer [citadel: homecoming]returned body [citadel: i remenber me] biati and switch , talked talitha dawn [citadel: old friends] met finch [citadel: old , unhappym far-off] spoke to mom [citadel: scan the keepers] accepted quest ...
One of Mass Effect's cancelled DLC's,Cerberus Brainchild, was going to be focused on Cerberus and would have been the first time Shepard met the Illusive Man. See also Shadow Broker dossier References
Current Mass Effect Squad Mass Effect 2 Squad Garrus Vakarian•Grunt•Jack•Jacob Taylor•Kasumi Goto•Legion•Miranda Lawson Mordin Solus•Morinth•Samara•Tali'Zorah vas Neema•Thane Krios•Zaeed Massani Mass Effect 3 Squad
-Citadel: Doctor Michel Assignment Completed blackmailer persuaded. -Citadel: The Fourth Estate Assignment Completed looked good in interview used all charm options. -Citadel: The Fan Assignment Completed treated nicely throughout game persuaded to stay home. -Citadel: Garrus Completed met and talked ...
WARNING: Bring down the Sky and Pinnacle Station were used, you will need those 2 DLC on your own Mass Effect 1 if you want to import this save. - Completed every collection assignment - Explored every system and planet - Did all the missions and assignments ...
Am I sad that Anthem looks like a departure from the Mass Effect gameplay that everyone has come to desire from the studio? Heck no! While this does appear to be an open world action role playing game, it also touts a “shared-world” experience; something I am not typically in favor ...