Of course, the easiest way to prevent cold air from entering your home when your fireplace is idle is to close your damper. This can save you up to 15 percent of your total energy bill. Seal It Up Applying caulk manufactured for use around the hearth and firebox is another simple, inexp...
"Military friendly customer service is extremely willing to go the extra mile for you… The product truly has the appearance of real stone… I have a corner fireplace that I did so ends needed to be cut on a 45. Their dimension are spot on with what they say on the website as well....
Where the foam wrap or backer rod control joint material is used between the concrete crown and the flue tile its upper edge should be weatherproof or should be sealed. I use a high-temperature high grade silicone sealant or "caulk". Rain cap(not shown in sketch) to protect the flue from...
"I bought this a few months back for the fireplace. I was able to install it this past weekend. I still have to caulk and touch up paint. It looks awesome and was very easy to install. I viewed the videos before starting. They were a great help. Had more trouble figuring out the ...