In general, the contexts in which we find the eight-leaf rosette suggest that it represented the birth, death, and rebirth of the sun (and/or of the planet Venus), in many of the ancient Near Eastern religions which could have influenced the maker of the Disk. So What is the Relevance...
capitals the letters J and B, can be termed “a good illustration of the way in which symbols were transmitted even from the temple of Solomon to the medieval craftsmen and thence to our Speculative Masonry.” It seems to me simply that the Cathedral builders were acquainted with Holy ...
THE Tower of Straton (alias Ceasaria built by HEROD in Palestine and many other Curious works of Marble, As the Temple of Ceasar Agrippa to his Memory, in the Country called Zenodoras near to a place called Panion. He also pu1led down the second Temple, that was finished in DARIUS hi...
為了方便前往共濟會廟,選擇在附近的酒店住宿是明智的決定。以下是一些推薦的住宿選擇: 豪華酒店:如費城萬豪酒店,提供舒適的住宿和便利的交通。 經濟型酒店:如費城旅館,適合預算有限的旅客。 特色民宿:在當地的民宿中,您可以體驗到更具在地特色的住宿選擇。 如何前往共濟會廟 共濟會廟位於費城的中心地帶,交通便利。您...
共濟會廟不僅是一個觀光景點,更是了解底特律歷史與文化的窗口。無論是參加導覽活動,還是單純欣賞建築美學,都能讓您收穫滿滿。以下是一些理由,讓您選擇共濟會廟作為旅遊目的地: 豐富的歷史背景,讓您對底特律有更深入的了解。 美麗的建築設計,適合拍照留念。 定期舉辦的文化活動,讓您體驗當地的社區生活。 尋找共濟會廟附...
nine arches in the secret vault of Solomon under Temple Mount. the nine-branched menorah An association with the secret name of God In the Thirty-Second Degree ( = Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret) the nonagon (nine-sided figure). This is a primary figure of ritual in this degree. It...
though he does not know it and he thinks when he is laid therein he will find himself in its bony clutches. Even as near London as Windsor there is a Masonic Temple which has a special chamber of d. with a g. actually in the floor and until recently it was still used although wheth...
In that dread Temple of Thy Worth -- It is enough that through Thy grace I saw naught common on Thy earth. Take not that vision from my ken; Oh whatsoe'er may spoil or speed, Help me to need no aid from men That I may help such men as need!