In the early spring of 1330, Douglas was in Spain battling the Moors when he found himself in an ill-fated battle, surrounded by the enemy. Once Douglas realized that his own death was imminent, he pulled the heart of his long dead king from his neck and threw it into the ranks of t...
in an unusual relationship of friendship, harmony and goodwill. It is natural that differences may occur within our own ranks, as they do within the best-regulated families. We may disagree but should not be disagreeable. To bring about a faultless world ...
This lodge had nothing to do with regular Freemasonry. They didn’t have any actual degrees, ranks and levels of realisation. The advancement to apprentice, journeyman and master was only of symbolic character. All secrets were given during the initiation. The other “grades” were not ranks, ...
Freemasonry is the Church of Satan masquerading as a fraternal mystical philanthropic order. It fronts for Illuminati (Masonic & Cabalist Jewish) central bankers who started the US as a vehicle to advance their "New World Order." In the words of Masonic elder Manley P. Hall, "we must also ...
1890. El Zagal ranks as the 51st Temple according to the date of the charter. El Zagal has the distinction of having members, Frank Treat(1911-1912) and Alfred G. Arvold(1944, serve as Imperial Potentate. The Temple offices and most early Ceremonials were held in the downtown Fargo Maso...
Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower in 1915 graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, just three years before World War I began. He worked up through the ranks from infantryman to captain, instructor, major, and lieutenant colonel before the first world war drew to a close. By the...
As Jesuits rose in the ranks and proved their trustworthiness in the service of the Whore of Babylon, they would eventually takethe Oath of Induction, also known as the 4thOath, the Blood Oath or the Oath of Extreme Unction and his Superior would preface the oath by acknowledging his mission...
(Skylab 2, Challenger). This list is by no means comprehensive and there are likely scores upon scores of Masons within the ranks of NASA. Werner Von Braun, the first director of NASA was one of many top Nazi rocket-scientists the OSS/CIA brought to America during Operation Paperclip. So...