1736, Lodge of Edinburgh took an active part. Thirty-three lodges were represented at the meeting which was held in the lodge room of Edinburgh Lodge. Because the oldest minute of a lodge was that of Edinburgh Lodge, it was placed first on the roll of the Grand ...
The concept of actually having Masonic education program during open lodge, though radical as this concept may seem, was accomplished in lodges that are near and dear to our hearts, but that was long time ago in our past when men still read, studied and cared about such matters. Programs ...
Master Mason: the same, with blue lining and edging, 1 1/2 inch deep, and an additional rosette on the fall or flap.-No other colour or ornament shall be allowed except to officers and past officers of the lodges, who, may have the emblems of their offices in silver or white in the...
So obvious is this that some modern preceptors of Lodges of Instruction have to my knowledge altered the position of the left hand in order to make it conform to the story, but I venture to think that in so doing they are committing a very serious mistake, nothing less than the removal ...
It took some time after the war for the “all clear” to be given and for Freemasons to return to their normative position in society and open up their lodges and memberships, even as late as 2018 the United Grand Lodge of England was still calling officially for the end of discrimination...
open to foreign influence, including the Jacobite- and French-influenced higher degrees of the Royal Arch, Rosicrucianism, Templarism, and Swedenborgianism. The Grand Lodge of England considered its basic three-degree lodges to be “regular” and its high-degree rivals to be “irregular.”↩...
many in Iran connected the movement with the introduction of foreign ideas into the country in order to undermine Iranian values. Claims were made that many of the earliest Freemason lodges, such as Malkom Khan’sfaramush-khanih, which were founded in 1858, were linked to European lodges. How...
Brother Burges came out of his muse. "There ought to be dozen - twenty - other Lodges in London every night; conferring degrees too, as well as instruction, Why shouldn't the young men join? They practice what we're always preaching. Well! Well! We must all do what we can. What's...