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Within a few years the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Grand Lodge of England were issuing Warrants to military Lodges. By 1755, twenty-nine Warrants had been issued. The Grand Lodges of Germany, Ireland and Scotland had Lodges in Maryland. ...
In approximately 1791, soon after the Prince of Wales (later called George IV), became the first Royal Grand Master in 1790, a Senior Warden and Junior Warden chair was commissioned to be used in Freemasons' Hall in London. They are now in the United Grand Lodge of England's Museum. Ori...
known as "Anderson's Constitutions," printed by William Hunter in London, which was published in 1723 under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England.
Another stop for any Mason would be at the headquarters of The United Grand Lodge of England. This building, located in Great Queen Street, has been home to over 300 Masonic lodges and features a large theater that can hold up to 500 people!
Unlocking Origins pays homage to The Goose and Gridiron Tavern in London where the Premier Grand Lodge of England was organized back in the year 1717. The design was inspired by the original tavern sign which is currently on display at The Museum of London. ...
“The Educator” is a personal publication created by myself in April 2003 to share with members of my lodge papers on Freemasonry which I had found to be both interesting and informative.
¨IN SEARCH OF THE MASONIC LOST WORD by Bro. Darren Lorente, St. Mary Islington Lodge #5451, United Grand Lodge of England. Is there really such a thing as a Masonic secret? If so, is this Masonic secret a lost word and what is the significance of this lost word in today's Maso...
Amongst the efforts which have been made to impress German ideals upon the Grand Lodge of England, there stand out prominently those of Dr. Begemann, a well known Mason of Berlin, who, by dint of that curious devotion to minutiæ so characteristic of all German students, made the Masoni...
MASONIC LODGE No. 323 Whittier, CA OUR LODGE We are the heirs to a legacy that spans generations. From the founding of the first Grand Lodge in London, England in 1717 to the founding of the first Masonic Lodge in Whittier over 125 years ago. Masons have worked to support their communiti...