6 jne next inc dxnext: inc bx loop s mov ax,4c00h int 21hcode endsend start好像正常,只是没有输出 !
不知道为什么,有台电脑被我弄得不能开机了...因为这个程序... 三娘901117 初级粉丝 1 ;编译器出错是常有的事,修改源程序如下,来解决DSEG SEGMENT MESS1 DB 0DH,0AH,'FIT',0DH,0AH,'$' MESS2 DB 0DH,0AH,'NOTFIT',0DH,0AH,'$'DSEG ENDS CSEG SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CSEG,DS:DSEG MAIN:MOV AX...
- out of memory Remove some TSRs or add more memory. - too many open files Either close some files or increase the number of file handles specified in the FILES= statement in CONFIG.SYS. DX1230: DOSXNT initialization failed This error usually follows error DX5420. DX1270: command-line ...
Sub-BoardsIn Memory of Hutch' Hardware & Software Corner A place for Software, Programs and General Computer Hardware along with Building and configuring x86 and x86-64 hardware for Windows and Linux operating systems. Posts: 656Topics: 104 Last post: October 14, 2024, 07:35:52 PM Re:...
Out of memory ---内存不够用 houjiuming Parameter ''xxx'' is never used ---能数xxx没有用到 Pointer required on left side of -> ---符号->的左边必须是指针 Possible use of ''xxx'' before definition ---在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告) Possibly incorrect assignment ---赋值可能不正确 Redeclarat...
out of memory 缺少内存 assembler limit : macro parameter name table full 汇编限制:宏参数名表已满 invalid command-line option 无效命令行参数 nesting level too deep 嵌套过深 unmatched macro nesting 不正确的宏嵌套 line too long 行太长 unmatched block nesting 不正确的区、段嵌套 ...
40、的错误098 Wrong length for override value 结构域的重新设置太大以致不能适合这个域099 Line too long expanding symbol:EQU 使用EQU伪指令定义的等式太长100 Impure memory re 41、ference 不合适的处理器参考,当/P选项和特权指令有效时(用.286或.386),数据存到代码段101 Missing data;zero assumed 缺少...
017 Forward reference illegal 非法的向前引用.在第一遍扫描期间,引用一个未定义符号. 018 Operand must be register 操作数位置上应是寄存器,但出现了标识符 019 Wrong type of register 使用寄存器出错 ...
label large le length lengthof listing local locals lroffset low lowword lt macro mask masm masm51 medium memory mm2word mmword model multerrs name near near32 nle nokeyword nolist nolocals noljmp nolocals nomasm51 none nonunique noscoped nosmart not nothing ...