上图展示了Mask2Former算法的整体网络结构,为了便于阅读,图中省略了来自中间 Transformer 解码器层的位置嵌入和预测。 Mask2Former使用了与MaskFormer相同的backbone,一个像素解码器和一个transformer解码器。Mask2Former利用注意力transformer代替交叉注意力设计了新的transformer解码器,图中右侧部分。为了处理小物体,本文提出...
在这样的背景下,一种名为Masked-attention Mask Transformer(Mask2Former)的新型架构应运而生,它为通用图像分割提供了一种新的解决方案。 Mask2Former的核心创新在于其遮蔽注意力机制。这种机制通过限制交叉注意力的范围,使得模型能够专注于预测掩膜区域内的局部特征。这种方法不仅提高了模型的收敛速度,而且在多个流行的...
Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation Bowen Cheng1,2* Ishan Misra1 Alexander G. Schwing2 Alexander Kirillov1 Rohit Girdhar1 1Facebook AI Research (FAIR) 2University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) https://bowenc0221.github.io/mask2for...
current research focuses on designing specialized architectures for each task. We present Masked-attention Mask Transformer (Mask2Former), a new architecture capable of addressing any image
Panoptic SegmentationCOCO minivalMask2Former (single-scale)PQ57.8# 15 Compare PQth64.2# 8 Compare PQst48.1# 9 Compare AP48.6# 8 Compare Instance SegmentationCOCO minivalMask2Former (Swin-L)mask AP50.1# 26 Compare Instance SegmentationCOCO test-devMask2Former (Swin-L, single scale)mask AP50.5#...
题目:Masked-attention Mask Transformer for Universal Image Segmentation 地址:2112.01527 代码: https://bowenc0221.github.io/mask2former/ 前作: MaskFormer: BV17f4y1A7XR * 本视频旨在传递一篇论文的存在推荐感兴趣的您阅读,并不是详细介绍,受up能力限制经常出现中英混杂,散装英语等现象,请见谅。如论文报道...
3.4.2 Video Object Segmentation For VOS, there are currently no methods based on ViT. Thus, we build a simple VOS baseline with a ViT backbone. Input serialization. Given a template frame with a binary mask, VOS aims to segment the object-of-interest ...
The mask matrix in Transformer was originally intended to eliminate the effect of padding on the sequence in training or avoid exposing the decoder to predictive content in machine translation. In Mask2Former, the mask matrix is exploited to realize local attention by constraining the attention to ...