mask spec 统计表 DesignRule1X(um)MaskMaskNameNumberMaskIDMaskGradeDigitizedPolarityHoleLayerLineSpace MaskSpec4X(um)MaskResistTypeMaskType CDPolarity CDTarget AddressSize PSMPellicleTransmissiTypeonRateSpec PSMPhaseSpec StepperType
5、 mask blankbim (binary mask)psm (phase shift mask) a. krf-psm b. arf-psmtmthis document is strictly confidential and proprietary of smic. it must not be copied or used for anypurpose other than for reference only, and smic shall not be liable or responsible for any reliance.size of...
1、认识Mask以及简要的制作流程,TM,The Role of Mask in IC Industry,DESIGN,MASK,WAFER,TESTING,ASSEMBLY,How Does Mask Work in Wafer FAB,Stepper,How Does Mask Work in Wafer FAB,Scanner,Raw Material of Mask,Blank,BIM (binary mask) PSM (phase shift mask) A. KRF-PSM B. ARF-PSM,Size of Bla...
CrOx type phase shift maskThe fine pattern exposure techniques are required for Flat Panel display applications as smart phone, tablet PC recently. The attenuated phase shift masks (PSM) are being used for ArF and KrF photomask lithography technique for high end pattern Semiconductor app...
认识Mask以及简要的制作流程 TM The Role of Mask in IC Industry DESIGN MASK WAFER TESTING ASSEMBLY How Does Mask Work in Wafer FAB ---Stepper How Does Mask Work in Wafer FAB ---Scanner Raw Material of Mask Blank BIM (binary mask) PSM (phase shift mask) A. KRF-PSM B. ARF-PSM Size o...
In conventional systems, application of a high transmittance attenuated phase-shifting mask (PSM) makes it difficult to improve the photomargin, or depth of focus, at dense and isolated pitches at the same time. For example, if a high coherence level (&sgr;) or off-axis illumination is used...
PSM-Richtlinie (Richtlinie des Rates vom 15. Juli 1991 über das Inverkehrbringen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln (91/414/EWG)), ABl. L 230 vom 19.8.1991, S 1 Ratschker UM (2001) Die Zönose der Spinnen und Weberknechte in der Agrarlandschaft des Biosphärenreservates Schorfheide-Chorin. ...
s (for example, a set of 15 to 30 reticles) may be used to construct a complete IC. In general, various reticles are fabricated for use in various lithography processes. Types of EUV reticles may include the binary intensity mask (BIM) type and the phase-shifting mask (PSM) type....
the phase shift material layer may be a transparent material coated on the mask substrate, and the phase shift layer includes silicon oxide. In another embodiment, the phase shift material layer includes a portion of the transparent mask substrate. For example, the mask pattern of the PSM is ...