该模型还使用一种mask re-scoring策略,辅助获得更可靠的对齐单元格区域。2) 我们引入了一种表结构恢复pipeline,包括单元匹配,空单元搜索和孔单元合并。非空单元格和空单元格都能够有效定位和拆分。3) 大量试验表明,我们的方法取得了sota效果。 方法 概述 我们提出了LGPMA,其整体工作流程如图所示。 该模型是基于现有...
使用更好的anchor尺度和比例对prediction head进行优化; 加入新的mask re-scoring支路。 最终,在MS COCO上,YOLACT++可以获得34.1mAP和33.5fps的成绩,其精度已经非常接近SOTA模型。 Fast Mask Re-Scoring分支 对于模型来说,其分类置信度和预测的掩膜的质量之间是存在差异的。为此,作者引入了一个fast mask re-scoring...
至于后续的YOLCAT++,则主要是加入了mask rescoring的概念和DCN结构,进一步提升精度。(1)参考Mask Scoring RCNN,添加fast mask re-scoring分支,更好地评价实例mask的好坏;(2)Backbone网络中引入可变形卷积DCN;(3)优化了Prediction Head中的anchor设计。 2.4 PolarMask(2019.10) 相比RetinaNet,FCOS将基于anchor的回归变成...
至于后续的YOLCAT++,则主要是加入了mask rescoring的概念和DCN结构,进一步提升精度。(1)参考Mask Scoring RCNN,添加fast mask re-scoring分支,更好地评价实例mask的好坏;(2)Backbone网络中引入可变形卷积DCN;(3)优化了Prediction Head中的anchor设计。 2.4PolarMask(2019.10) 相比RetinaNet,FCOS将基于anchor的回归变成了...
A pyramid mask re-scoring module is then\nintegrated to compromise the local and global information and refine the\npredicted boundaries. Finally, we propose a robust table structure recovery\npipeline to obtain the final structure, in which we also effectively solve the\nproblems of empty cells...
使用mask scoring RCNN训练自己的数据集 本文主要参考下面两篇博文,并在部分细节处做了修改。 https://blog.csdn.net/XX_123_1_RJ/article/details/102733175?depth_1-utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task&utm_source=distribute.pc_relevant.none-task...
The number of top scoring RPN proposals to keep after applying NMS (total number produced) during test Unsigned int 1000 test_rpn_nms_threshold The NMS IOU threshold in RPN during test float 0.7 min_level The minimum level of the output feature pyramid Unsigned int 2 max_level The maximum ...
When using an input scale of 1×, the OR- CNN method [32] employs both full body and visible re- gion information and enforces the pedestrian proposals to be close and compactly located to corresponding objects, achieves a log-average miss rate of 12.8 and 55.7...
Adapting re-usable elastomeric respirators to utilise anaesthesia circuit filters using a 3D-printed adaptor - a potential alternative to address N95 shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Anaesthesia. 2020;75(8):1022–7. https://doi.org/10.1111/anae.15108. Article Google Scholar Nguyen LH,...
Under Armour Engineers a First-of-its-Kind Performance Mask to Equip Athletes Returning to Training For months now, millions of athletes worldwide have been wrestling with the challenges of working out under stay-at-home orders, and wondering whether they should wear a face mask if training in...