"Masha and the Bear" broadcasts in over 120 countries and its YouTube channels is in the top 10 most viewed in the world. 'Masha and the Bear' conquers the world This sweet goof ball of Russia is taking the the world by storm. Masha and the Bear is a Russian animated television ...
"Because of the international success of 'Masha and the Bear,' Animaccord decided to release local cartoon channels," says Dmitry Loveyko, general director, Animaccord. "Now the platform hosts 13 official 'Masha and the Bear' YouTube channels in English, Russian, Italian, Spanish, French, Ge...
The Times ran a piece on November 17 entitled “Children’s show is propaganda for Putin, say critics” that claimed a much loved Russian cartoon featuring a little girl called Masha, who lives with a bear, was “soft propaganda” for Putin's regime.
SisMasha Video app is a fan tribute to the infamous Masha and the Bear animation series from Russia! The content Masha and the Bear Video provided in this application is hosted on YouTube by the rightful owner/channel of МашаиМедведь, Marsha and The Bear, Masha And Bear TV...