品牌 MASH 车型 拉力 生产方式 进口 产地 - 厂家 - 发动机 单缸四冲程风冷·50cc 最大马力(Ps) - 最大功率/转速(kW/rpm) -/- 最大扭矩/转速(N·m/rpm) -/- 变速器 - ABS - CBS - 长x宽x高(mm) - 座高(mm) - 整备质量(kg) - 油箱容量(L) 0 最高车速(km/h) - 实测平均油耗(L/100...
Test Ride Are you a real motorcycle enthusiast, but you don't know which one to choose? Going to the dealer closest to you to have a test ride therefore becomes the best way to discover our machines. From the Fifty 50cc to the Dirt Track 650cc via the Five Hundred 400cc, Mash has ...