Grammar.noting or pertaining to the gender of Latin, Greek, German, French, Spanish, Hebrew, etc., which has among its members most nouns referring to males, as well as other nouns, as Spanishdedo,“finger,” GermanBleistift,“pencil.” ...
法语中既可做阳性又可做阴性的名词(InFrench,both masculineandfemininenounscanbeused) InFrench,bothmasculineandfemininenouns,.Txtalways believethattherearemanyreasonsforloveinthisworld,but thereisonlyonereasonforseparation-loveisnotenough. Therearefourbooksinlife:health,affection,careerand money.Ifthehealth...
In grammar, belonging to or having the characteristics of that one of the so-called genders into which the nouns, etc., of some languages are divided which includes as its prominent part the names of male beings; having inflections or forms belonging to such words: as, a masculine noun; ...
lion), but there are also other typical endings:-ant(der kommandant),-ent(der präsident),-r(der bär),-t(der architekt). As you can see, theseGerman nounsoften resemble the same word in English, French, or other languages. For nouns in this group, you need to add an-enending ...
(grammar) (in some languages) belonging to a class of nouns, pronouns or adjectives that have masculine gender, not feminine or neuter The French word for ‘sun’ is masculine.Topics Languagec1 Word OriginSee masculine in the Oxford Advanced American DictionarySee masculine in the Oxford ...
18、Most Western languages have some form of distinction betweenmasculineand feminine nouns, with some of them adding neuter nouns for good measure.(大多数西方语言在阳性名词和阴性名词之间有某种形式的区别,其中一些还额外加上了中性名词。) 19、She becomes taller; her face becomes moremasculine.(她变...