The global leader in providing advanced tungsten materials used in key industry sectors such as electronics, chemical, automotive, aviation and aerospace, energy and pharmaceutical industry with its own production facilities in Vietnam, Germany, Canada a
(能动Nengdong2024年5月15日讯)Masan High-Tech Materials("MHT")宣布与Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Group(MMC Group)达成框架协议: H.C. Starck Holding, one of the world’s leading suppliers of tungsten products - MMC Group拟从MHT手中收购H.C. Starck Holding (Germany ) GmbH 100%的股份。
ABOUT MASAN HIGH-TECH MATERIALS CORPORATION Masan High-Tech Materials is the global leader in providing advanced tungsten materials used in key industries such as electronics, chemical, automotive, aviation and aerospace, energy and pharmaceuticals with production fa...
Masan High-Tech Materials宣布与Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Group达成框架协议,后者将收购H.C. Starck Holding 100%股份,并签订长期钨产品承购协议。此举旨在优化Masan在越南的业务,减少未偿债务,并锚定钨产品订单。MMC Group通过此次收购可利用HCS的生产中心和专利技术,强化其钨价值链下游优势。(美通社) 打开APP...
2020年10月,为了开发一个综合领先的高科技钨矿平台,Masan High-Tech Materials与日本的三菱材料公司签署了一项协议,建立了战略联盟。该交易验证了Masan公司向垂直整合的高科技钨平台的转变,并宣称其作为全球高科技材料生产商的地位。 由Masan公司管理和经营的Nui Phao多金属钨矿,位于Dai Tu District,已被确定为世界上最...
Masan MEATLife (MML) 将继续扩大其在 WCM 之外的分销网络,而 Masan High-Tech Materials (MHT) 将专注于成本和现金流优化以及与 Nyobolt 的整合,并继续探索国际和国内销售铜的选择。 Masan 集团董事长 Nguyễn Đăng Quang 说:“即使在最具挑战性的时期,也不要怀疑愿景。马山(Masan)的现代杂货店现在占...
越南胡志明市2024年5月15日 -- Masan High-Tech Materials(HNX-UpCOM:MSR,以下简称"Masan High-Tech Materials"、"MHT"或"该公司")今日宣布与Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Group(以下简称"MMC Group",与MHT合称"双方")达成框架协议: H.C. Starck Holding, one of the world’s leading suppliers of tungst...
Additionally, Masan Group is involved in the development of strategic resources and the production of high-tech materials. It was founded in 1996 and is based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Headquarters Location Le Duan street, Ben Nghe ward, District 1 18th Floor, Masan Tower 23 Ho Chi ...
Aside from Masan Consumer, the holding group also owns financial service brand Techcombank and Masan Resources, which is involved resources and materials. In January, Mount Kellett Capital Management invested $100 million for a 20% stake in Masan Resources, which owns the Nui Phao mine in ...